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American watch marks

Railroad Pocket WatchThe American Watch Industry, begun in 1850 by Aaron Dennison, is an adaptation from the European method of the individual production of watches by one or a group of craftsmen to the factory system of the machine production of high quality interchangeable parts. Later, spurred by the rigid standards demanded by the railroad industry, for the first time, a high quality timepiece could be manufactured and subsequently bought by a population other than only the most wealthy. The industry began producing 18 size watches that imitated English timepieces but eventually the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the American watchmakers produced original innovation and distinctive style to their product. The 16 size watch, popular around 1910, matured to the 12 size watch toward the 1920’s.

American Watch Case Co, Nueva York
Fortune AWCCo wings wheel (1905) – Empress corona AWCCo (1905)
Manufacturers of pocket watch movements and cases.
Albert & J.M. Anderson, Boston
Inside a circle (1905)
Clock factory.
Ansonia Clock Company, Connecticut
Within two squares (1879)
Clock factory between 1879-1929
Aurora Watch Co, Aurora
Aurora (1885)
Alister-Ball Co, Chicago
Garland (1922)
Pocket watches, movements and pieces. Also like The Norris Alister-Ball Co., The Ball Company y Ball Co..
Ball Watch, Cleveland
Official RR Standard (1984)
Founded by Webb C. Ball, manufacturer of various types of watches.
Brooklyn Watch Case Co, New York
Bull’s Head BWCCo Granger (1888) – Reindeer’s Head (1888)
Manufacturers of watch cases.
Crescent Watch Case Co., Newark (NJ)
Moon Star Patented (1905) – Trademark Moon Star (1905) – CECCO Trade mark Moon Star (1905) – Crescent Extra Moon Star (1905)
Pocket watches boxes 1885
Dietrich Gruen & Sons, Ohio
DG&S – Gilden uhr (1925) – Precision (1952) – Gruen (1912) – WSCo – Gilde (1925) – Gruen Geneve (1912) – Gruen Precision (1912)
Dietrich Gruen founder of the Columbus Watch Company in 1876 and co-founder, with his eldest son, of the Gruen Watch Company in 1894 in Madretsch, Swiss.
Dueber Watch Case Co, Canton
Dueco Gold Filled (1916)
Movements and cases.
Eagle Watch Co, New York
Eagle Watch Co Aguila ave
Watch importer.
Elgin National Watch Co, Elgin
Elgin winged man bow watch (1890) – Lady Elgin (1870) – Lord Elgin (1907)
Fahys Watch Case Co, Sag Harbor
Fahys Watch within a circle (1879) – Fahys oresilver (1884)
Manufacturer of Pocket watches boxes. Formerly called Joseph Fahys & Co.
General Time Corp, New York
GT General Time (1949)
William L. Gilbert Clock Company, Connecticut
G inside square (1903) – William L. Gilbert Clock Co – Oriole (1920)
Founded in 1871.
Hampden Watch Co, Canton
HW Co (1895)
Pocket watches and cases
Harris and Harrington
American importer of carriage clocks from the area of Saint-Nicholas-D’Aliermont, France. 1900
EN Helca, Foresttille
EN Helca
Herschede, Cincinnati, Ohio
Corona Herschede Cincinnati (1900)
Watch factory founded in 1900
Illinois Watch Co., Springfield
Springfield (1869) – Army & Navy (1869)
Clocks, in 1927
Charles Jacques Clock Co, Nueva York
CJCC (1894)
Clocks and chimes, the company was bought by Harris and Harrington
JB Co, Bridgeport
JBCo entrecruzadas (1903)
Jennings Brothers Co, is one of the leading American watch manufacturers.
Jeannot & Shiebler, New York
Manufacturers of gold boxes for Pocket watches. They were succeeded by Andrew K. Shiebler & Son and later purchased by the Dubois Watch Case Co.
Keystone Watch Case Co, Filadelfia
Columbia USA (1895) – Balanza J.Boss (1890) – Guaranteed 5 Years beehive
Pocket watches case manufacturer.
Florenz Friederick Martin Kroeber, Nueva York
F.Kroeber Nueva York USA
He was born in 1840 in the city of Paderborn, Westphalia, Germany. His early years were spent in the city of Cologne, but his parents emigrated to the United States in 1850, settling in New York City. It began manufacturing around 1860 in New York. It made about 70 models, the Ventura, Jamestown and its regulator watches, especially No. 30 and 43 seem to be the most common, in 1899 the company went bankrupt.
George Kuehl, Chicago
G.K. (1909) – GK abeto (1909) – GK (1909)
He was an importer of watches from Germany to the US.
Charles Henri Meylan, Le Brassus and Nueva York, Swiss and USA
Leon CH – CH Meylan (1917) – Meylan
Manufacturer of movements, cases and pocket watches. Also like Meylan Watch.
Howard Miller Clock Co, Michigan
Colonial Mfg.Co (1903) – HWN (1925) – Miller Germany reloj arena (1950)
Manufactures located in Zeeland, Michigan. I make long case or grandfather clocks, with machinery imported from Germany from the H. Winterhalder house, that is why stamps of this manufacturer appear on these machinery. Miller stamps also appear, it seems that he was the owner of Colonial
Howard Miller, Zelanda
Howard Clock Company Miller (1926) – Miller Germany reloj y reloj de arena (1926)
It was founded in 1926, as a division of the Herman Miller Clock Company, a furniture manufacturer of Herman Miller, specializing in wall and mantel clocks. It spun off in 1937 and changed its name, under the management of Herman Miller’s son, Howard C. Miller (1905-1995). At present, there is no relationship between the two companies, although their headquarters are located across the street from each other. It owns the German company Kieninger.
Mozart Watch Co, Providence
Mozart Watch Co (1870) – HWCo (1890)
Watches. Donald Joseph Mozart
New England Clock, Bristol
New England Clock (1956)
New Haven Clock Company
New Haven Star Circle Trade Mark
They sold watches from other manufacturers. 1850
Perfecta Wacth & Clock Co.
USA importer brand, of 400-day watches, from various German manufacturers for export to the USA, Konrad Mauch, Keininger & Obergfell and Kern & Sohne
Philadelphia Watch Case Co, Philadelfia
Silverode (1912) – Philadelphia Watch case corona (1901) – Brazo martillo rombo (1889)
Pocket watch box factory 1889. Established in Vienna in 1903
Phoenix, Phoenix
Phoenix arrows
Pocket watches and boxes.
Noah Pomeroy, Bristol
Manufactured watches from 1847 to 1878
Rockford Watch Co., Rockford
Rockford (1913). RW Co
Manufacturer of Pocket watch movements.
The Sessions Clock Co
The Sessions Clock Co
Founded in 1903 by William E. Sessions. Manufactures all kinds of watches. In 1970 it is closed.
Seth Thomas, Plymouth
ST within a square and a circle
1810-1931, today owned by Colibri Group.
South Bend Watches, Indiana
In May 1902 Clement Studebaker Jr. along with his brother George and uncle John Mohler Studebaker purchased the Columbus Watch Company, and began manufacturing pocket watches.
Star Watch Case Company, Michigan
Star Watch Case Company Star (1909) – SWCCo star (1911)
Pocket watch case manufacturer from 1905 to 1982
Frank Walter, Chicago
Great Western Limited (1916)
Waltham Watch Company, Roxbury
Waltham Clock Co USA (1963) – AWW Co Royal Waltham
Founded in 1850 by David Davis, Aaron Dennison, and Edvard Howard.
Waterbury Clock Co., Waterbury
The Waterbury Watch (1886) – Waterbury Clock Co (1886) – Benedict (1898)
1857-1944. Started as a subsidiary of Benedict & Burnham.
Western Clock Co, Peru
La Salle (1915) – Westclox (1916)
Charles Stahlberg and others from Waterbury founded the company in 1885. After experiencing various difficulties in 1931, the company merged with Seth Thomas.
See also  Japanese Old Watches Logos

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