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Breitling Pocket Watch

Breitling Antique Pocket WatchAn interesting and successful history of Breitling company began in the 19th century, thanks to Leon Breitling, who opened his studio in the Swiss town of La Chaux-de-Fonds, where he began producing his first timepieces and industrial counters. In 1915, after a little time, Gaston Breitling created the first wristwatch chronograph. After 19 years, Gaston invented the first watch with two counters, which became a model for all modern chronograph.

Company Breitling has always been associated with the history of aviation, as well as a firm that has always interested in new ideas and sought to create improved models so called “instruments for professionals”. Breitling became the official supplier of military aircraft company UK – Royal Air Force, which provides a variety of tools, among which the best known are – the first chronograph equipped with a circular slide rule – Chronomat and wrist navigation device – Navitimer.

These models are used recognition among many experts and became the most famous in the world. A major achievement was the invention of the company Breitling Chronograph Cosmonaute, who wore the famous astronaut Scott Carpenter during his flight into space in 1962. Breitling Pocket WatchThe company is always striving to set new records and improve the quality of its production. Thus, during the collaboration with the best pilots of the world, the company Breitling has created a world-famous model: Emergency – multifunction chronograph equipped with a transmitter that can transmit signals at a frequency of 121.5 MHz Aerosrase – multifunction quartz watch equipped with minute repeater; B1 – the most modern chronograph equipped with a loud signal and improved backlight.

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Technical excellence, skill and accuracy – are the main components that are unique to aerobatics. With the support of pilots champions Patrick Paris and Xavier de Lapparent, the company has raised its prestige, becoming one of the most demanding in sports disciplines. It became a “flying test laboratory” for future instrumentation and chronograph company. Complex shapes, overload and high acceleration are the maximum load for both pilots, and for aircraft.

So, letting your own watches, the company declared its own motto “instruments for professionals”. Thus emphasizing its technical reliability and complexity, the company has secured a worldwide reputation and credibility. The company Breitling has always been connected to the clock for the pilots and people not associated with the sky, who prefer an active lifestyle.

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