Determine watches brand. Some clock hallmarks
A.1. A1 corona (1985) It appears in the Samuel Martí watches of 1860/1900, also in those of Japy Freres. It seems that it determines the quality of the machinery, they were completed with A2 and A3 |
Aaron Lufkin Dennison, Birmingham, Inglatera Cuprel (1920) – ALD (1921) – B&S (1920) Pocket watch case manufacturer. Established in 1862, manufactures the Dennison Watch Case Co. |
AB&D AB&D appears on some J.Soldano watches. |
AC AC star |
Acropole JB Acropole |
AGUL Actiengesellschaft für Watch manufacture in Lenzkirch |
Bäuerle Matthias, St. Georgen EMBEE |
Albert Fetterle & Co., Bombay, India Reliance Watch Co AF (1896) – RWCo hearts (1896) – Reliance Watch Co Railway chronoregulation (1889) – Reliance Watch Compay Swiss Made (1896)- AF (1896) – The Rex Fetterle Made in Switzerland (1896) – Longeau Watch A&F Swiss Made (1896) – The Safety Swiss Made circle hearts spades clubs diamonds (1896) – The Special Swiss Made playing cards clubs diamonds (1896) – U.Willy Swiss Made (1896 ) Watches. Production in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Also as Reliance Watch Co. |
Aguila Aguila |
Aguila Aguila watch |
AK AK oval |
Alas Alas crown wheel |
Antonio Canseco, Madrid, Spain Patent ACE Canseco watcher Watch merchant of tower and pocket. 1880 |
AR&Co AR&Co Sindatos |
Arabe arabic characters circle |
Arabe arabic signs |
Arthur Pequegnat Clock Company, Canada Pequegnat Clock Co He made watches between 1904-1941, his parents immigrated to Canada from Swiss. |
Badische Watch factory Furtwangen, Schwarzwald, Germany 1860-1918, factory closed 1918 – 1927, continued 1927-1945. Also used the trade mark “Joker” and/or a sailship on the paper label | |
BELL, Watch factory in Köln und Schwenningen gegr. 1908, still active 1964, other brand names: Bellag und Ebag |
B&H Paris B&H Paris |
BB BB inside a rhombus |
Beacon, Seul, Corea Beacon Made in Korea (1970) wall clock |
Birge, Mallory and Co.Bristol, Connecticut, USA | |
Boghos Arabian, Estambul, Turkey K. arabian KA registered horseshoe (1925) Importer of Swiss watches from Isely & Furer, and others. |
BP BP in shield |
Brenets Brenets Bell |
unknown | |
unknown | |
Caballos Horses |
Canterbury Canterbury bell |
CB CB inside oval |
CECorea CE |
Charles Grottendieck, Bruselas, Belgium Ch. Grottendieck Bruxelles (1880) carriage watches. |
CJ&Co CJ&Co inside an oval |
Comet star cometa |
Constant Mayer Constant Mayer |
Daiwha, Seul, Corea Daiwha pentagon inside circle watches |
D’Aubreville & Lallier D’Aubreville & Lallier brevete sgdg Appears to be a watch retailer, this stamp appears on Japy Freres movements |
De Beste Two bells desktop watch with Westminster striking, on the dial indicates Perfecta |
De Botton De Botton Pocket watch boxes manufacturer. |
Dos stars Two stars oval |
Dragon Winged dragon (1900) |
Deschamps A Paris Ire QUALITÉ | |
Doldinger Dold, Karl Josef & Söhne 1842 – 1961 |
E & P unknown |
E. Serkissoff & Co, Constantinopla, Turkey E. Serkissoff coat of arms Swiss watches importer. |
Eblouissante Eblouissante border lamp |
ED ED arrow needle |
EJP Brevete SDGD EJP Brevete SDGD |
Ellis & Co, Toronto, Canada Sovereign Fig Leaf E (1872) Boxes for Pocket watches. |
EN EN Ladder |
Erika Depose Erika Depose |
Erste Moskauer Uhrenfabrik, Moscow, Russia Poljot (1930) -R143 (1938) – Escudo watches from old USSR. Also as ordered by Ordena Lenina Pervy Moskovsky zavod |
Fabryka Zegarów Lodz, Lodz, Poland PEZ Lodz (1945) Watch factory since 1945, currently called The State Factory of Clocks in Lodz |
F (unknown) | |
Fernandez Brothers and Co., Habana, Cuba Palais Royal Habana (1910) Merchants. |
Friedrich Ernst Benzing Kontroll Watch factory, Scwhenningen, Württemberg, Germany. 1920-1931(?)Time control and watchman clocks. | |
Watch factory vorm. L. Furtwängler & SöhneFounded 1836 by Lorenz. His sons Theophil, Hector,Oscar and Adolf joined the company in 1868.Makers of top precision clocks. Operations ceasedin 1929 due to fierce competition and mass production. | |
FWM FWM inside oval |
Nicolas Fortin Paris | |
G.B & E GB&E |
G.Chopard, Biel, Sweden G.Chopard fine silver warranted (1920) Pocket watch cases. |
G.S Hourmouziades and Co., Constantinopla, Turkey Kieusse Chirketi Arabic Characters (1890) – Arabic Characters (1890) Importer of Swiss Pocket Watches. |
GA.Makoulian, Constantinopla, Turkey GA Makoulian Constantinople stars Watch importer. |
Gb:F Gb:F |
GF GF fine silver crown |
GG G ave G |
GGP GGP more border |
GP GP horse with rider |
Guillermo Jequier, Madrid, Spain GJ diamond arrow (1924) watches, distributor of various brands such as A. Rosskopf and Co. Patent, Bayar, Fleurier Watch Co and others. |
HA Brevete SGDR HA Brevete SGDR |
Haldo, Haller und Dorsch Herstellung von Standuhrwerken und technischen Laufwerken Gegründet ca. 1920 |
HC HC circle |
Hermann Schultze Nachfolger, Wroclaw, Poland HSNB inverted triangle Watch merchant 1930 |
Hes Limited, Bombay, India Hes Limited (1960) |
HN&Co HN&Co |
Hoja Hoja |
Holmia-Skandia, KarlBorg, Sweden Corona rueda espada K It belongs to the Munitionsfabriken factory, this era of ammunition and weapons. They also made watches. 1949-1951 |
Horbijou Horbijou romb |
Horlogerie Horlogerie |
HR HR inside a rhombus |
E. Ingraham Co., Bristol, Connecticut, USA | |
J.G Girod S.A., Madrid, Spain Agujas JG (1971) – J.G Girod Madrid (1971) – Meta (1907) – Astrubal – Goya (1929) Founded by Jorge Gillermo Girod in Madrid in 1869, manufacturer of wall and table pendulum watches, alarm clocks and tower watches. In addition to marketing Pocket watches and wristwatches. Swiss born |
JB JB sol |
Jh. Leemans, Bruselas, Belgium Horlogerie de la Poste He bought watches and sold them under his name. |
John Warmink, Almeloe, Holland Wuba JWA on a Crowned Shield (1929) watches of all kinds, especially Old Dutch replica watches. He made his own moves in the beginning, but then he used the German moves, i.e. Urgos, Schatz, Hermle and Kieninger.. |
Josef Köpfer & Söhne GmbH, Furtwangen (Uhrenteile & Werkzeuge) Gegr. 1867, noch tätig 2004 |
Josef Tesar, Brünn-Sebrowitz/Moravia, Czech Republic ITE – JTE – Tik-Tak – T in shield watches. Founded in 1896 |
Joseph Beinisch Bey, El Cairo, Egypt Arabic characters crescent star Pocket watches, boxes. This mark is the same as on Charles Edward Lardet. 1922 |
K. Serkisoff and Co., Constantinopla, Turkey Coat of arms Swiss watch importer. |
K.ET.H Arabian Coat of arms arabic signs Watch merchant |
K.Makoulian Fils, Constantinopla, Turkey KMF escudo flechas Registered Importer of Swiss watches. |
Keininger und ObergfellSchwarzwald, Germany | |
Kilbourne & Proctor Inc., Massachusetts, USA Banjo clock movements used by other case makers. |
KJB KJB ovalo |
Koh-I-Noor RP&S Koh-I-Noor RP&S |
KSG KSG star media luna |
L&S L&S – Fine Silver L&S Pocket watch cases manufacturer. |
L. Vrard Co, Shanghai, China Chinese characters (1860) Watches. Formerly as Laidrich & Vrard |
Lambertus Issac van Lier, Amsterdam, Holland Chronometer Lier Watch maker |
Le Violon Le Violon |
Leon Leon star |
LF LF lizard romb |
Lierse & Gehorsam, Reichenberg, Czech Republic Fabrik Marke cures with stick – Austria-Uhren Watches. Also as Erste Bohmische Pendeluhrfabrik |
LL P LL P rooster |
LR&Co LR&Co swords |
M (unknown) | |
MA&Co Leon above MA&Co |
Marque de Fabrique Depose Marque de Fabrique Depose Eagle with lightning bolt – Marque de Fabrique & Depose |
Marti Samuel – MEDAILLE D`OR Paris 1900 | |
Marti & Cie – MEDAILLE DE BRONZE | |
Maslennikov, Samara, URSS 3NM (1950) – 423 rueda (1950) – M143 romb (1950) – 443 circle (1950) – Pobeda victoria (1950) Russian manufacturer about the year 1953, closed in 1990. |
Mayer Mayer made germany oval |
MB MB oval |
Media Luna Media Luna In ottoman watch with arabic symbols |
MHS MHS circle |
Molnija watch factory, Chelyabinsk, Russia Molnija wheel 423 (1947) Watch manufacturer. |
Moritz Guttentag G triangle |
Morstadt Julius Villingen, Warenburgstr. 15 Erwähnt 1939 und 1949 |
MR&Co MR&Co oval |
Navand á morez, Zifferblatthersteller für Comtoiseuhren um 1820 |
Neuhaus & Becker N.B. mit Hand und Ankerklaue tätig um 1900, Firmensitz Wuppertal-Elberfeld Uhrenhandel mit Standuhren, Federzug-Regulatoren u. Jahresuhren |
Non magnetic Non magnetic star arrow – anti-magnetique arrow |
OP Sol OP |
P.R PR inside oval |
Pao Sze Clock Manufacturing Co, Chefoo, China star of david chinese symbol Made in Paosze |
Paquet oval package |
Peces wheel fish |
Peter Uhren GmbH (ab 1931) Watch factory Villingen gegr. 1914, Konkurs 1996 |
Pons Brevete, Frankreich 19. Jh. | |
Pons MEDAILLE D´OR 1827 | |
unknown | |
Philia Philia |
Pierre Nottet, Lieja, Belgium Pierre Nottet Horlogerie brief scale (1880) watches. |
Pieter Johannes Paauwe, Amsterdam, Holland GE (1935) electric watches. |
R&H R&H |
Railway Railway Regulator AGP train |
RAR RAR inside an oval |
R & C Fabrique de Paris | |
Gebr. Resch Bedeutendste Watch factory des 19. Jh. in Österreich 1901 von Junghans aufgekauft. |
RF RF inside oval |
RH RH star |
Roland Roland PS Royal 143 |
Roskopf Pepe Andres, Habana, Cuba Roskopf Pepe Andres Habana – Rosskopf Pepe watches. |
SamSung Corea SamSung Made in Korea watches. |
Sehwa, Seul, Corea Sehwa watches. |
Serdobsky(SCHZ), URSS Vladimir (1943) – Majak (1943) – CM3 (1943) Watch factory. |
SF A1 A1 SF oval |
SF&JD star SF&JD hexagon |
SF SF inside a circle |
Siegfried Siegfried |
Slava, Moscow, Russia Slava or Slawa Cyrillic characters (1936) – M2 (1958) Watches manufacture in the former USSR. |
Societe Clusienne Societe Clusienne S.C.A.P.H Cluses |
Societe Suisse d’Horlogerie Montilier, Montilier, Sweden Aguila SOLOR (1905) – Montilier (1927)- Montilier Watch (1942)- Morat Watch (1927) Founded in 1892, manufacturing watch parts, pocket watches, cases, movements, dials. Also as Montilier Watch. |
Sofianos and Co. R. Sofianos & Cia Arabic characters |
Standard Electric Time CompanySpringfield, Massachusetts USAElectric time systems for public buildings, privateindustry, schools and other institutions.7.2 1987 – | |
unknown | |
Stanford | |
R. Schneckenburger GmbH Mühlheim/Donau. Von Rupert Aman 1867 gegr, 1882 an R. Schneckenburger verkauft. Ab dem Jahr 1900 wurde das Unternehmen von Müller unter Watch factory Müller/Mühlheim, Müller & Co geführt. |
T (unknown) | |
T. Tonini & Co., Rimini, Italy Semprinvitto Invincibile Privileged brand Watch merchant. |
TM TM star |
Torunska Fabryka Wodomierzy, Torun, Poland Metron water circle wheel Founded in 1920, since 1951 it has been manufacturing watches under the Metron brand. Also as Torun Wasserzähler Uhrenfabrik |
Trade Mark Trade Mark Tower trees registered |
Uhrenfabrik Cieszyn, Cieszyn, Poland Swit Cieszyn in oval (1920) – Orjon FZ Cieszyn in oval (1920) wall clocks, alarm clocks and floor clocks, from 1920. It seems that its founder in 1890 was the Austrian watchmaker Johann Franke. |
VA V ? A |
VAC VAC anchor |
Vesna, Vladimir, Russia Vesna two triangles arcs of a circle (1950) watches. Also as VPO Tochmash |
Vozdecky Hodinar, Breno, Poland Vozdecky Hodinar Brno (1920) Watch merchant and jewelry. |
Vsesojusnoje Objedinenie, Moscow, Russia B (1961) – Wostok (1961) watch maker, 1961 |
Georges Verhger et Fils, Paris, Reg. 1936 | |
unknown | |
unknown | |
Watch factory Mühlheim, Müller & Co, Gegr. 1867 – Konkurs 1959 |
Em. Wehrle & Comp.Schonenbach, Furtwangen, Germany(Emilian) Trompeter Watch manufacture, Emilian Wehrle (1832-1896) made musical clocks in the Furtwangen-Schonenbacharea from about 1857 until his death in 1896. These musical clocks included theTrumpeter clock, Flute clock, Singing Bird Clock, and Rooster Clock. | |
N.E. Welch, USA | |
Werner C. Watch factoryVillingen, Baden, Schwarzwald, GermanyAlso “Regulator-fabrik” and “Werner-Werke”, Founded in 1870 by Carl Werner, later run by hissons Carl jr. and Hermann. Speciality:Taximeters, continued production by Kienzle.Trademark “KONKURRENZ” | |
Wahrscheinlich die Marke eines Großhändlers oder Gehäuseherstellers. Uhrwerk von Carl Werner |
WAMD WAMD oval |
Watcheria Electrica Ocejo, Burgos, Spain Electric watchmaker Ocejo hoz (1897) watchmaker who assembled Roskopf-type machines |
Wermeille and Co., St. Aubin, Suisse SW (1955) – Le castel (1945) – Wermeille (1955) Watch factory in St.Aubin, Neuchâtel, under the name of Wermeille and Co. / J.P. Schlunegger. 1955 |
Westerstrand Urfabrik, Toreboda, Sweden W Westerstrand (1906) – AB Westerstrand & Soner Toreboda Swden. (1906) Founded in 1906 as a manufacturer of watches for the Swedish market. The watches are of excellent quality. Today Westerburcht Beach and time information systems for use in public areas, communications, industry, retail and sports. |
Zlatoust Watch Factory, Zlatoust, Russia 343 triangle (1930) watches, started in the former USSR, still running today. |
Zurel Uurwerken, Aalsmeer, Holland UCW United Clock Works watches. Looks like he was riding other people’s machinery. |
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