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Hallmarks of French Watchmakers

AD within a rhombus
Manufactured carriage clocks?
AD, Paris
AD Paris
Montres Airain, Besanzón
Airain (1934) – AP (1934)
AL or LA
Fot Bte Star Shield Anchor
Edward Armelin, Angouleme
W inside a rhombus – ED Armelin
Used movements from others, from Japy’s time.
François Arse Margaine, Paris
1880. Carriage clock maker
Auboin, Paris
Auboin A Paris
J.Barbot, Paris
Etablissement Barbot de Paris (1840) – D’Aureville and Chameroy Maison Barbot (1840)
Manufactured Paris type machines. His stamp is seen on different watches signed by others, Gaston Jolly, Sandoz de Avignon ect. The D’Aureville and Chameroy Maison Barbot hallmark is seen on watches with movements by others, for example Japy
Barrard & Vignon, Paris
Barrard & Vignon manufactures D’Horlogerie (1860)
They manufactured watches between 1860 and 1880, with their own movements and with other brands, the second seal is taken from a movement marked S.Marti
Delepine Barrois, St. Nicolas d’Aliermont
DLB flor (1865)
Baschet Baullier, Paris
Baschet Baullier Paris (1850)
They made clocks about 1850
Louis Alfred Baveux, Saint Nicolas d’Aliermont
AB or BA (1860)
Family of watchmakers, his father supplied machinery to Henri Jacot, he also made many machinery for the Jacots.
A.Berhoud, Paris
A Berhoud Paris
Manufacture d’horlogerie de Bethune, Bethune
MB ave (1910)
Founded in the Bethume region in 1923 – in 1947 the name was changed to Testut-Aequitas. Watch production ended in 1961, when it merged with Testut. In 2000 it was bought by Mettler-Toledo. The Bethune factory closed in 2003.
Louis Boname, Seloncourt
L Boname (1870)
It had its factory in Seloncourt (Doubs), it made watches and movements. 1870
A & P.Bonnet, Paris
A&P Bonnet Paris
P. Bonnet & R. Pottier, Paris
Bonnet & Pottier
Borrel, Paris
A.Borrel-Jean Wagner (1866)
Electric clocks
AE.Bourdin, Paris
Bourdin Paris (1840)
Carriage clock maker, about 1840
Napoleon Boutron Bogeart, Paris
B.B-BREVETE SGDG PARIS an oval bee (1870)
Ateliers Brillie Freres, Levallois-Perret
Brillie Made in France (1920)
Watch manufacturers electrical 1920
Familia Brocot, Paris
Louis Brocot (1860) – AB inside a five-pointed star (1865) – AB star (1870)
Watches of all types.
Jules Brunelot, Paris
JB oval (1878) – B circle (1878)
The B was used in the carriage clocks and the JB in the others..
J.C Cailly, Paris
JC Cailly (1840) – Dent a Paris (1840)
Renowned French watch manufacturer. There is also the seller’s mark Roberts A Paris
A. Carlhian & Beaumetz, Paris
A Carlhian & Beaumetz Paris (1890)
Manufacturer of long case watches and Paris type movements.
Cattin and Co., Morteau
Cattin and Co. (1960) – Mortima ave Also as Montres Mortima.
Manufacture speciale d’Horlogerie & Ebestinerie, Champagnole(Jura)
Carrez Modelle Depose alas campana (1888) – Carrez alas campana (1925) – LC estrella (1925)
Manufacturer of watches and wooden boxes for these Leon Carrez.
A.Chapus, Paris
A la Gerbe d’or A.Chapus Rue de Rivoli 86
1890. Watch seller, with machinery from others, for example Samuel Marti.
J.Charles, Paris
J Charles a Paris
Chartier&Marcus, Paris
Manufacturer and dealers of watches. It was also a subsidiary of Junghans in 1976
Ed.Chartier, Paris
EC (1880) carriage
Henry Chatelain, Paris
HC (1890) – DC (1890) – EC (1890)
Chatier&Marcus, Paris
Chatier&Marcus a Paris (1860) carriage and others.
A.Chaumont, Paris
Chaumont Paris
Emile Colin et Cie, Paris
LR brevete
Bronze foundry that mounted clocks with this stamp. 1843-1930
G. Combet, Lion
GC lagarto
Couaillet Freres, Saint-Nicolas d’Aliermont
Couaillet Freres
Armand Couaillet, in Saint-Nicolas d’Aliermont, his city, began working for Albert Villon in 1885, in 1892 he began manufacturing carriage watches, in 1903 he associated with his brothers and founded Couaillet Freres. In 1925 they separated and Armand created La Mécanique Horlogère.
Fabrique d’ebauches Cupillard SA, Villers-le-Lac
UC in circle (1955) – UC map of France (1955)
Manufacture Francais d’Armes et Cycles, Saint-Etienne
MF inside a circle (1886) – MFB (1886)
They manufactured wall clocks and electric clocks, Bulle brand, among other things in Saint-Etienne, since 1885, it seems that it is still in operation
A.Debut, Paris
Debut 48 Avenue du Maine AD (1930)
Watch trade.
RIP inside a rectangle
It seems that they are the initials of durability, elegance, precision. Depery is a family of watchmakers who worked from 1826 to 1954.
Constanti Louis Detouche, Paris
C Detouche Paris
He founded his company in 1803 and went on to become one of the best-known jewelers in Paris and a manufacturer of scientific instruments.
Deux, Paris
C Deux Paris
Diette Fils Hour, Paris
DH Depose (1891) carriage. Also as Charles Hour
Francois Douillon, Saint Nicolas d’Aliermont
1750. A highly prized watchmaker for the bronze ornamentation on the case of his watches. The name of Cailly also appears on the second seal
Pierre Drocourt, Paris
Drocourt (1840) – DC with a carriage clock between the two letters (1840)
Pierre and his son Alfred Drocourt settled in Paris and also in San Nicolas d Aliermont. Manufactured carriage clocks 1820 – 1900
Dufaud, Paris
Dufaud Paris
It seems that he is a bronzer and assembled other machinery, approximately 1860
Duplan a Salles, Paris
Duplan a Salles Fabricant a Paris (1855)
He is a bronzer, he assembled other people’s machinery and worked with different artists including Jacques Louis Gautier
Paul M. d’Escrivan, Marsella
Le Sextant (1923)
Etablissement de Paris, Paris
Etablissement de Paris
Farcot, Paris
Anchor star FB (1870) – Farcot (1870) – Eagle with bronze medal F Brevete (1870) – Marque de fabrique depose (1870)
Henry Eugène Adrien FARCOT, creates his first company in SAINT-OUEN, in 1853.
Fexacta, Paris
French manufacturer of Paris type machinery. It is found in some watches signed by Melotte.1880
Fontenoy made in France
Watch manufacturers between 1920-1940
FP Marque Deposee avispa (1930)
Pierre & Etienne Frainier, Morteau
FPF within a square depose
Pocket watch case manufacturer. 1901
France Ebauche & Dessin, Besanzón
Factory of ebauches.
Gardien & Cheron, Paris
Gardien & Cheron
Mid-Century French Watch Salesman XIX
Paul Garnier, Paris
Paul Garnier Paris (1830)
Pocket and carriage watches.
Antoine Gaudron, Paris
Gaudron a Paris
The Gaudron a Paris signature appeared as early as 1660 on watch movements produced by Antoine Gaudron’s workshop, but little is known today about this watchmaker. His works were admired by the French nobility.
GC estrella cruz
Watch merchant, his brand is seen on the machinery of Louis Japy y Cia (1878)
J.George, Dunkerque
J.George Horlogerie Bijouterie Dunkerque
Watch and jewelry merchant from the time of Japy Freres, his stamp is on Japy machinery.
Gerber Freres, Morteau
Durandalor G espada (1931)
Watch and jewelry manufacturer.
French factory in the Morbier region, Jura. I make Art Deco type clocks between 1930-1960 with Westminster chimes or Cloche de Jura, which sounds the same as the previous one.
Auguste Girod & Fils, Besanzón
G Morbier (1930)
Clock movements.
E.Godeau, Paris
E Godeau a Paris
Watch seller, in 1870 he was selling on boulevard Richard-Lenoir
CP Gontard, Paris
PG star compass (1850) carriage
Grivolas, St-Cloud
Claude Grivolas is the only known French manufacturer of 400-day torsion pendulum clocks. In 1907 he obtained several patents.
Guyenot, Paris
Guyenot (1812)
Merchant who sold or assembled watches with machinery from others, for example from Japy Freres.
Guyerdet, Paris
Guyerdet (1860)
High prestige watches.
H&F, Paris
H&F paris
Trader who sold watches with movements from Mougins, S.Marti ect.
H&K, Paris
Leon Hatot, Besancon
ATO (1934) – Leon Hatot (1934)
He was a watchmaker and jeweler of great fame. He made electric clocks. 1905. Today it is owned by the Swatch group.
Friedrich Ludwig Hausburg, Paris
F.L Hausburg
Hausburg initially operated with his uncle August Wilhelm Promoli first in Paris and then in Liverpool. The watches have been engraved with the names of the two.
HB Horlogerie de Paris, Paris
HB estrella (1890?)
Hersant Se 1B De Chatelain, Paris
Hersant Se 1B De Chatelain Paris (1880)
Horlogerie de Savoie, Annemasse
HS map France
Louis Hottot, Paris
Hottot a Paris (1829)
Watch merchant.
Charles Victor Hour, Paris
CH Hour France (1866) – Just (1866)
Carriage clocks. 1866
H.P & Cia, Paris
A1 corona HP&Cia Paris (1870?)
Jaccard SA, Villers-le-Lac
Jaccard (1950) – JF (1950)
Watch factory
Henri Jacot, Paris
HJ made in paris
Between 1856-1920 he made carriage clocks.
Japy Freres, Paris
Marca:JFC (1887) – Chemin de fer – Beaucourt herradura (1890) – L’Alouette ave – CJF (1913) – Gauloise gallo (1888) – Japy Freres (1888) – Japy Fils (1855) – JF (1913) – LA La Melisa (1904)
Louis Japy y Cia, Berne-Seloncourt
Louis Japy y Cia (1878) – Le Fleuron JFC estrellas (1850)
He is one of the sons of Frederic Japy
Joseph Jeambrun, Maiche
JEJ circle
Gvf REY JEUNE brevete (1860)
Watch merchant, stamp on the machinery of Samuel Marti and others.
J.R Paris, Paris
JR oval
Auguste L’Epee, Sainte-Suzanne
Brand: L’Epee swords (1839) – ALC crossed swords (1839)
He acquired the buildings of La ferme du Prince in Sainte-Suzanne, near Besançon and founded his own factory in 1839 as Manufacture L’Epée. Still running today, owned by Swiza S.A.
La Vedette SA, Saverne
La vedette (1926) – V (1935) – Electrico (1930)
Known as Carillon de France Fabrique La Vedette S.A.
Arthur Lambert, Saint Nicolas d’Aliermont
Manufacturer of electric clocks for time control, in Valenciennes and in 1907 moved to St.Nicolas-d Aliermont.
Pierre LeMasson, Paris
P LeMasson Paris
It is a store in Paris, he used empire-type watches with machinery from others, where his seal was placed, 1880.
Leroy & Fils, Paris
Leroy & Fils a Paris (1813)
Founded by Theodore Leroy, it made carriage clocks with machinery from others, including Pons, Cerro in 1960.
P.Lesperut Fils Aine a Paris, Paris
P.Lesperut Fils Aine to Paris Alas
LinetAine, Paris
LinetAine Paris
His stamp is seen on Vincenti’s moves. He seems to be a merchant of the time.1820
SA des Montres LIP, Besancon
Lip (1908) – Eagle with crown, stopwatch and pieces. Also as Lipmann Freres
Lorsa, Annemasse
Lorsa (1952) – Cruz (1952) Also like L’Horlogerie de Savoie
H.Luppens, Paris
H.LUPPENS PARIS inside an oval
Watchmaker who worked well with brass and bronze, in Brussels, assembled movements of others, S.marti ect and dealer also in Paris 1860
Machenaud, Paris
Machenaud LD Anc Maison Pinchon
1860-1870. Merchant who sold S.Marti watches and others.
Pierre Maillardet, Morteau
Ultra (1949)
Pocket watches factory, begins with the acquisition of Geismar & Co
Maple&Co Ltd, Paris
Maple&Co Ltd Paris (1890)
Sellers of watches made by others.
Henri Marc, Paris
1840. Makes all kinds of watches, some with movement from others and some apparently with their own movement.
Fritz Marti, Vieux-Charmont
F Marti
F.Marti and sons in 1867, participated in the Paris Exposition of 1889 and was awarded a gold medal in 1900.
Samuel Marti, Paris
Samuel Marti (1900) – S Marti (1900)
Famed Watchmaker, 1860-Bronze Medal, 1889-Silver Medal, 1900-Gold Medal
C.Maurel, Paris
Prix Montyon Medaille D’Or TM Brief scale crown
E.Maurice & Co, Paris
EM&C inside oval
Carriage Clock Manufacturer.
Etienne Maxant, Paris
EM (1882) – Etienne Maxant Brevete Paris (1883)
Watchmaker of the 1880, made replicas of watches of famous previous watchmakers, and put their name on the dial.
Societe Generale Mercantile, Paris
Invariable Regulateur steamboat (1889)
Trade in watches and movements
Miroy-Requier Co, Paris-Londres-England
Miroy-Requier Co (1860) – CM (11860)
Ernest Miroy is the son of JB Marie Miroy, the older of the two Miroy brothers. Ernest married Josefina Requier and moved to London with his cousin Adolfo Víctor Miroy in 1860 where watches are marketed under the Miroy-Requena name. Both Miroy brothers were responsible for the watch and the bronze, his brother Camilo was the real owner of one of the two patents. 10 rue de Angouleme, Paris.
H.Molle, Paris
Etablissement H Molle Paris (1870?) – Dumoulinneue & H. Molle Paris
Trader, your seal is seen on Mougin’s machinery.
Marc Monnier, Morteau
MMM star (1924)
AD Mougin, Paris
AD Mougin star
It began in 1880 in Montbeliard and later moved to Rue des Filles du Calvaire, Paris, in 1908. The upper stamp VF corresponds to the merchant Georges Verger et Fils, at rue Sainte-Anne 51, Paris.
Victor Mougin Fils, Morteau
VM Marque Deposee (1924) – PHI-PHI (1924) – MM (1924)
Mougin y Jeambrun, Damprichard
Marque Deposee MJ (1911) y partes
Odo made in France
The ODO company in its modern form was founded in 1920 by the Odobez brothers in Morbier.
Oppenheimer Freres, Paris
Flor (1895) – Caballo (1895) – Archer trees (1895) – Angel with sword (1895) – Sun with chalice circle (1895) – Birds flowers (1896) – Dragon with shield (1896) – Lion with snake in the mouth circle (1896) – Aguila (1896) – Ave (1896) – Aves (1896) – Imperatrice Jingo rider on horseback bow arrows (1896) – Oppenheimer Freres in banner at the bird’s beak (1896)
Watch and parts trade.
Association Ouvriere d’horlogerie, Epinal
Assoc Ouvriere Epinal Ch Feuvrier
Charles Feuvrier was the owner and participated in the Nancy 1909 exhibition
Societe des Etablissements Parrenin, Villers-le-Lac
HP map of France (1926) and parts.
Hippolyte Parrenin, Villers-le-Lac
HP (1902) – HP oval (1900) and parts. Also like Parrenin-Marguet
PD, Paris
SGDC PD Paris oval
Jules Pecheux, Chateau Thierry
Merchant from Japy’s time.
GF. Petit, Paris
GF Petit a Paris
He is a watch salesman, about 1840
Henri Pickard, Paris
Pickard a Paris. 1850-1890
Vernon Pinchon Fils Ainé, Paris
Vernon Pinchon Fils Aine Paris
He had an establishment in Rue Michel-le-Comte, Paris in 1880. Trader who sold watches with movements manufactured by others. It is curious that he had the store in the same street as Machenaud
Honoré Pons, Paris
Pons (1827)
A famous French watchmaker, he is known for having revived the watchmaking industry in Saint-Nicolas de Aliermont. He is the author of numerous Paris and carriage-type machinery. In 1827 he was awarded a gold medal.
E.Portelance, Paris
EP Depose inside oval (1870)
Leon Potonie, Paris
Potonie Paris stars (1840)
Seller of watches with machinery from others, for example from Pons
Sonnerie Progres
Sonnerie Progres (1850)
Prost Freres, Morez
Prost (1840) tower
Raingo Freres, Paris
Raingo Freres Paris
La Maison Frères Raingo, founded in 1813, was located in 1830 at 8 rue de Touraine, in Paris. The four Raingo brothers began as watchmakers and later, in 1841 they added bronze work and furniture to their catalogues. In 1860, he made bronze decorations for Napoleon III and his wife.
Raison & Thomas, Paris
Mon Franjus E. Raison Successeur – ANCne Mon Franjus Raison & Thomas Successeur
Sellers of watches with machinery from Marti, Japy ect 1880.
Guillaume Ratte, Paris
GR corona (1866)
Victor Reclus, Paris
Sol VR Brevete Paris (1862) – Brevete SGDG RVR (1860) – Eagle Bronze Medal Brevete (1860)
Had a logo registered in 1859 and 1875. Manufacturer of clocks in 1867 and electric clocks in 1889. In 1858 he presented a pendant alarm certificate, RVR = Revell Victor Reclus. Inventor of various mechanisms for electric watches. Already in 1860 he patented an electrical system.
Antoine Redier, Paris
AR Brevete Ar a Paris circles stars (1881)
He was the inventor of the alarm in the mechanical clock, which he patented in 1847. He began as an assistant to Frédéric Louis Perrelet.
Richard & Co, Paris-Londres-England
RC (1867) – R&C (1867) – R&Co (1867)
It was founded in Paris in 1848 under a different name, adding a London branch in 1857. In 1867 it became the English branch of Richard & Co., 24 Cannon Street, London. In France, this would be Richard et Cie.
Roblin, Paris
Roblin a Paris (1860)
Merchant, with movements of others
AH.Rodanet, Paris
AH.Rodanet (1875)
Watch merchant.
Rollin, Paris
Rollin a Paris (1860)
Watch merchant, time of Japy Freres
Andre Romain Guilmet, Paris
GLT (1870)
Mystery Watch Maker.
Les Fils de F. Romanet, Morbier
FFR sol France (1939) – La Comtoise (1939)
The company seems to have been registered in 1939, manufacturing watches with Westminster chimes, previously Morbier or Comtoise type watches were manufactured with the same stamp. They also made pocket watches.
F.Schuhmacher, ?
Escarabajo (1935)
Watch parts
Sefea, Annemasse
S in coat of arms – S outline of France – INT (1970)
Factory of ebauches. Also as Société européenne de fabrication d’ebauches d’Annemasse. It arose from the union of Judex and Marius Anguenot, Today it is part of Swatch Group AG.
Edouard Serin, Paris
Edouard Serin ES bell Paris (1876) – Bell ES Marque Fabrique (1876)
Clock and bronze factory.
Silvin, Paris
JS inside circle Silvin (1908)
Watchmaker, who had business on Rue des Arquebusiers, and won a bronze medal for his watch movement. Machinery mounted on sculptures by F. Moreau.
Taveau Freres, Paris
Taveau Freres Paris (1850)
Merchant or ultimate assembler of watches, Pons machinery and others.
Terraillon & J. Petitjean, Morez
Terraillon (1913) monumental.
Tétard Freres, Paris
TF Res (1880) and goldsmith.
Alphonse Tilliere, Cluses
T (1870)
Pocket watches and chronometers.
G. Tribaudeau, Besançon
9A3 Brevete S.G.D.G. en oval (1893)
Movements and Cases Pocket watches.
Ucra romb
It seems to be a French watch brand 1957.
Unix France
Charles Valogne, Paris
C Valogne Paris (1830)
He sold watches in Paris and London, the movements appear to have been supplied by Audemars.
VAP Brevete, Paris
VAP BREVETE SCDG inside oval (1890)
Victor Athanase Pierret was born in 1806 and died in 1893. He was born in Bucy-les-Pierrepont and worked as an apprentice since he was 13 years old with a manufacturer called Rolin, he stayed there for 5 years and then moved moved to Paris. He exhibited at the London Exhibition of 1851, where he presented a pendule planetaire (a planetarium).
Georges Verger & Fils, Paris
VF oval wheel (1936) – VF tree – FV with flowers (1936) – VF Marque de Fabrique wheel (1936)
Ferdinand Verger founded a jewelery and watch shop in 1872. His sons, Georges and Henri, in 1911, They produced watches with machinery from the best houses and were agents in Paris for Vacheron Constantin, Verger Frères created many very original designs, their modernist style has been associated with the best of the Art Deco period.
Ferdinand Verger, Paris
FV (1896)
Movements and cases for Pocket watches.
Gay Vicarino & Co, Paris
GV Gay Vicarino
The watches that are attributed to him, some have movement from others, for example from Japy or Samuel Marti.
Albert Villon, Saint Nicolas d’Aliermont
Leon (1900) – Bayard DB estrella sol (1928)
AV. Bayard. Started in 1896, the collective name of the company Albert Villon, Duverdrey and Bloquel became Bayard thirty years later. After a first bankruptcy in 1984, the site will close its doors in 1989.
Jules Villon & Co, Paris
Clock and star (1891)
Vincenti and Co., Vincenti
Watch factory founded in 1822 by Vincenti.
WBK & Fils, Paris
WBK & Fils Paris – Corona A circulo
It may be a retailer, its brands appear on Samuel Marti machinery.
See also  Blancpain watches

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