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Hallmarks of German Watchmakers and Merchants

Old watch brands that start with…


Abel & Sohn, Berlin
A escape wheel (1926) – RAB escape wheel (1926). Also like Richard Abel & Sohn KG
Friedrich Adrion, Schwenningen
Adrian watch (1951)
Jacob Agner, Munich
AG (1904)
Pocket watch cases.
Agripina Uhrengroßhandlung, Essen
The pure triangle (1928) – Lepina (1928)
Richard Albrecht, Ludwigshafen
Uhren Schmuck watch (1935)
Watch merchant
Heinrich Albrecht, Hamburg
AH or HA escape wheel (1956)
Max Alex, Cottbus
Ankra Garantie Uhren (1935)
Alpina Deutsche Uhrmacher, Berlin
Circle triangle (1927)
Brand of the German branch of Alpina, later Dugena
W. Althans & Co., Erfurt
WAECo escudo (1930)
Uhrenfabrik Max A. Altmann, Chemnitz
MAA circle (1930).
Rupert Amann, Berlin
Rup. Amann factory for balancers & weight regulators (1867)
Arthur Ammann, Villingen
1900-1927 Pocket watches and watches manufacturer
Gebruder Anders & Co., Stuttgart
Gebr Anders & Co Stuttgart (1965)
Electric clocks.
Max Andres, Schwenningen
Alpha star
Watch factory.
JB. Ankermüller, Bingen
Ankermuller 1884
Ankra, Berlin
Ankra reloj (1925)
Ankra was an association of sales and guarantees of stores specializing in German watches. The community was founded on a cooperative basis in 1925.
Herman Aron, Berlin
HA rayos (1883) – Nora (1933) – Aron (1923) – Heliowatt (1933)
German electrical engineer, 1883, made electric clocks and patented electric current meters. He sold it under the NORA brand, which is Aron backwards. Also like H.Aron Elektrizitätszähler and Heliowatt Werke Elektrizitäts.
Assmann Uhr, Glashutte
J. Assmann Schutzmarke Glashutte i.S. martillos (1850)
Small watches. Also like J.Assmann
Paul Auler, Pforzheim
Small watches.
Rudolf N. Bachrodt, Triberg
RB clock compass (1898)
Badische Uhrenfabrik A.G, Furtwangen
B inside a crescent moon (1890) – B EMC moon (1890) – Joker sun bird – Badenia Clock Manufactory First Quality Movements lion (1890)
German factory,1890-1979. Clocks especially with chime, floor clocks and 400 day clocks. Founder Adam Fehrenbach
Franz Bahner, Düsseldorf
Lion looking left crown
Pocket watch cases. 1908
C. Baker, Nauen
CBN star anchor (1892)
Watch movements and optical instruments
Ludwig Ballin, Pforzheim
LB (1934) and jewelry
Michael Bamberger & Co., Frankfurt
MB&Cie ovalo – MB Co
Watch merchant.
Basse & Fischer, Lüdenscheid
BF circle and jewels
Gustav Bauer, Ellmendingen
Guba wheel (1901)
Hermann Friedrich Bauer, Pforzheim
HFB (1950)
Mathias Bauerle, San Georgien
MB PEERLESS (1922) – EMBEE (1924) – B Peerless (1920) – Mann crown cross (1920)
Manufacturer of watches and electric watches.
Tobias Bauerle, San Georgien
Ciervo (1897)
He was associated for a short time with Muller. He founded his company as Tobias Bauerle & Sohne. He has several patents, between 1890-1900. He continued the business of his father Mathias Bauerle
Gebruder Baur KG, Schwenningen
Perma reloj U (1949). Also like Perma-Uhrenfabrik GmbH
Gustav Becker, Friburgo
Anchor with crown and lettering GB (1847) – GB Schwinghammer campana (1931) – GB reloj (1936) – Leon (1883) – Winged hourglass on a globe (1883)
Manufacturer of various clocks and high precision.
Hermann Becker KG, Pforzheim
HB ancora escape circle (1950)
Movements and cases for watches.
Johann Baptist Beha, Eisenbach
BEHA (1845)
Important manufacturer of clocks and especially of cuckoo.
GO Berger Germany (1924)
This seal appears on the cuckoo clocks imported by The Berger Clock & Novelty Co., from New York, it seems that they were marked by them, since there is no factory in Germany with these acronyms.
Uhrenfabrik Berger & Würker, Leipzig
B&W (1910) – Mujer star (1910) – BWL (1912)
The company was founded in January 1885 by Rudolf Louis Berger and Otto Heinrich Richard Würker, closed in 1967.
MW. Berger, Berlin
MWB bear towers. Also like Gustav Berger
Berliner Patent Treppenautomat & Schaltuhrenfabrik, Berlin
Berpa (1926)
Time switch. Also like Schmidt & Lettau
Berliner Zimmeruhrenfabrik, Berlin
BZUF clock (1921) and parts.
Bernhold & Scheurlen, Stuttgart
B&Sch sol (1881)
Wilhelm Beutter, Pforzheim
Berg-Uhr Die Qualitat star triangles oval (1928)
Bifora Uhren GmbH, Schwäbisch Gmünd
B in circle (1934) – Bifora (1934) – Unima (1934)
He started as a jeweler, then imported Swiss machinery and made the boxes and later manufactured the complete watch, started in 1900, still in operation today. Also like Josef Bidlingmaier
Wilhelm Binder, Schwabisch Gmund
WB hammer
Eugen Bing & Co, Pforzheim
W. Birmingham, Leipzig
WB cross-arrows (1875) and cases.
Max Bischoff, Pforzheim
Bischoff ave globo
Pocket watches. 1949
Heinrich Blessing, Schwabisch Gmund
HB quad
Blessing-Werke KG, Waldkirch
Blessing escape wheel overall.
Johann Gustav Blümchen, Berlin
JGB flores Berlin
Watch merchant.
Wilhelm Blumenstock, Villingen
Knight with spear and shield
Otto Bockelmann, Bielefeld
Temok (1912)
Watch merchant and parts.
Gebruder Bodersen, Hamburg
BG romb
Uhrenfabrik Carl Böhm, Freiburg
CB Freiburg i Schl. sol (11895)
C. Bohmeyer & Co, Halle
Zissea CB clock (1914) electric.
B. Bohrmann, Frankfurt
Bore & Berger, Magdeburg
hourglass BBM (1887)
Pocket watches
Uhrenfabrik Borussia, Friburgo (Silesia) (actual Poland)
UFB Freiburg i Schl triangle (1888) – Uhren-Fabrik Borussia Freiburg i Schl. (1889)
In 1899, it merged with other companies, including Gustav Becker’s, creating Fábricas Fusionadas de Relojes de Freiburgo, S.A.
Gustav Bossenroth, Berlin
GB y un arado (1862) – GB reloj (1934) – Cocinero (1928) – Cook with a Spoon (1928) – Cook with a Knife (1928)
Watch merchant.
Buser Bouguet and Co., Huningen
Wings with face – JB inside circle DEPOSEE (1901) – Shield crown fleur de lis
Pocket watches factory in Alsace, also known as Uhrenfabrik Johann Bouguet.
Hermann Braukmann, Königsfeld
Fabrik Marke HB squirrel – Fabrik Marke Schablonenuhrwith squirrel
The firm was founded in 1869.
H. Bruning, Coblenza
H. Bruning Uhenhandlung Coblenz bee watch (1913)
Watch merchant.
Anton Brünz, Mengen
AMB or ABM deer head (1920)
Rene Burck, Constanza
Orifin (1910) – Orisan (1910) – DIXI oval (1906) – Sonia oval (1910)
Pocket watches, cases, movements and parts. Also in Kreuzlingen-Swiss
Josef Burger
Company founded in 1856, as copper foundry parts for clocks. In 1993, the company makes an important turn in plastic and metal molding of machine parts for industrial production and is now the main activity with the manufacture of electromechanical components from 2001. To date, SBS FeinTechnik makes platens for watches of wall and chimney.
Wurttembergische Uhrenfabrik Burk Sohne, Schwenningen
UWS Inside Dial Clock (1889) – Burk Steering Wheel – Wurttembergische Uhrenfabrik WUS Schwenningen Burk Sohne Clock Flowers (1921)
In 1855 Johannes Burk founded the company, one of the most important in Germany. I manufacture all kinds of control clocks.
Gebruder Bursche, Oppach
Busch AG, Berlin
R circle triangle rays
Sale of watches
Wilhelm Hugo Buscher, Colonia
WHB Extra (1913)
Sale of Pocket watches, parts and cases.
Albert Buser & Co, Pforzheim
B en triangulo (1918) – AB anchor (1897)
Watch merchant. Also like Buser and Co.
Max Busse, Berlin
Embe (1921) – MB circulo (1922)
Sale of watches
Carlowitz & Co, Hamburg
Caracteres asiaticos (1924) – Carlowitz (1926)
Import and export of watches and parts.
David Caspari, Berlin
Burgia Uhren sind gute Uhren reloj rombo (1929) – Burgia(1929) – Deca (1928)
Sale of watches
China Export Import Bank Companie, Hamburg
CEIBCO leon reloj (1925)
Export/import of watches.
Heinrich Cohen Uhrenfabrik, Munich
HC Jr M. monje (1903)
Electric clocks.
Concordia Uhrenfabrik, Friburgo
FREIBURG in SCHLESIEN UCEG in coat of arms with crown
Founded in 1881, in 1889 it passed to form part of Vereinigte Freiburger Uhrenfabriken.
D&K, Freiburg
D&K or K&D (1900*)
Max Darmhorn & Co. AG, Nuremberg
MD abeto (1904)
Casper Degraa, Aquisgran
CD or DC
Deutsche Prazisionsuhrenfabrik Glashutte, Glashutte
German precision watch Original Glashutte triangulo (1919)
Deutsche Uhrglas Fabrik, Freden
DUF steering wheel
Deutsche Uhrenrohwerkefabrik, Pforzheim
D – Durowe movements and parts. Also like Hummel & Co
Garantiegemeinschaft Deutscher Uhrmacher eV, Wuppertal
Gedu (1936) . Asociación de Garantía de Relojeros Alemanes.
Deutschland Uhren Manufaktur, Berlin
DUM circle (1921)
Watch exporter
Deutschland-Uhren-Manufaktur, Berlin
Friede Deposee (1919)
Pocket watches and import-export of watches. This brand also appears on Fabrique d’Horlogerie Perfecta.
Die Zeitansage Uhr GmbH, Berlin
Die Zeitansage Uhr cabeza reloj (1910)
Wilhelm Dietrich, Leipzig
Special D star flag shield
Leopold Döring Uhrenhandlung, Leipzig
REPASSIRT L.DOERING LEIPZIG inside an oval (1849)
Watch trade.
Ernst Dohrmann, Bremen
ED oval (1926) – EDO agujas (1926) – Rolanduhr (1926) – E. Dohrmann (1926) – ED llave (1926)
Karl Josef Dold Shne, Schnwald
Doldonia bird Trade Mark (1842).1842 – 1961.
Dorfler & Co, Maguncia
Elida Die Gute Uhr pocket watch (1925)
Pocket watches and bracelet.
Paul Drusenbaum, Pforzheim
Elefante dentro de un triangulo (1912) – Elefante mamut circulo (1927)
Pocket watches and cases.
Dunzelt, Zwickau
Dürrstein & Co, Dresde
DC or D+C within two diamonds (1895) – D within a star and circle Normal (1895) – D within a star and circle Monopol (1895) – Union five stars and bell (1886) – Uhrenfabrik Union Glashütter (1887) – Dürrstein & Co Glashütter (1887) – DC or D+C circles (1895) – Columbus oval (1895) – Felsenburg castle flag (1896) – Energie sword (1898) – D+C oval (1895)
Wholesale business founded by John Dürrstein and Friedrich Dürrstein in 1874. They were distributors of A. Lange & Söhne for the German Reich. In 1880 they made a pocket watch with the Union mark.
J.N. Eberle and Co. AG, Augsburgo
Eberle anchor wings serpent
Elektrische Uhren GmbH, Frankfurt
GU aguajas rays coils (1903)
Electric clocks.
Elektro Normaluhr Gesellschaft, Halle
Kaufmann & Co Halle A Saale ENUG lightning bolt clocks (1927) electric. Also like Kaufmann & Co
Fridolin Elgg, Berlin
Hombre con trompeta (1927)
Watch merchant.
Endler & Co, Friburgo
HE Schutz Marke Co (1877)
It was founded by H.Endler in 1865, went bankrupt in 1893, what was left of the company was absorbed in the Gustav Becker merger of June 1899. Regulators, watch movements, watch cases.
Carl Engelkemper GmbH & Co, Münster
CE angel
Epple-Uhrenfabrik, Pforzheim
EOE Flyer
Watch and case manufacturer since 1944. Also like Otto Epple
Julius Epple, Pforzheim
Marca:Deutsche Wertarbeit JE (1934) – JE circulo (1935) – Epple (1936) – Aristo (1936) y cases
Wilhelm Eppler GmbH, Schwenningen
Marca:Sable sword (1932)
A. Eppner & Co, Silberberg
Pocket watches.
Eppo-Uhrenfabrik, Pforzheim
Flying butte. Also like Otto Epple
Glashutter Uhrenfabrikation Otto Estler, Glashütte
GUF (1913)
Pocket watches
Uhrenfabrik Etzold & Popitz, Leipzig
Dufa (1920) – EP clock tower (1920) – EP circle (1920) – E&P hourglass winged wheel (1920)
Clock factory.
Europa Uhrenfabrik Senden GmbH, Senden
Europe Uhren balloon (1951) of all kinds.
Exact, Friburgo
Julius Faber, Stuttgar
Golondrina ave.
B. Faller & Sohn, Gütenbach
BSF cuckoo anchor.
Willibald Felsing, Berlin
Center spiral cross (1924)
Watch merchant
Fichter & Hakenjos KG, Villingen
F&H rails
Carl Filius, Berlin
CF or FC circulo(1921) – Filius(1937)
Rudolf Flume Uhrentechnik, Berlin
Erreff DRGM (1907) – Flume Uhrentechnik Schmuck (1896) – RF (1896)
Pocket watches and electric watches.
Bernhard Forster, Pforzheim
FB or BF (1934) and parts
Nathan Ruben Fränkel, Frankfurt
Inverted triangle (1892) – NRFF in inverted triangle (1892) – Friede (1914)
Pocket watches. Also like Frankel & Co.
Uhren Fabrick, Friburgo en Silesia
Freiburg i Schles Uhren Fabrick
Robert Freund, Berlin
EG (1912)
Freiburg i Schl, Friburgo (Silesia) (actual Poland)
Freiburg i Schl inside sun KURZ (1900*)
Frick & Co. Uhrenfabrik, Schwenningen
Reloj con alas (1925) – F triangle wheel. Also like Alfred Frick.
Willi Friesinger, Pforzheim
Watch merchant. Also like Intex Uhrenfabriken
Gebruder Friess, Kreuznach
Josef Fuchs & Sohn, Bernburg
JFU hammer bee shield (1927) and instruments. Also like Johann Fuchs & Sohn
Furderer, Jagler and Co., Neustadt
UNAG inside an escape wheel – FJC (1908) – FJC anchor crown (1908)
Watch manufacturers since 1855, as FJC, later called Uhrenfabrik Neustadt and later Hunisch & Cit. The anchor mark was registered in Freiburg in Silesia (today Poland)
Lorenz Furtwangler, Furtwangen
LFS inside wheel (1914) – AV or VA (1914) – FJ or JF oval (1895)
He founded the clock factory in 1836. In 1868 the name was changed to Furtwngler Lorenz & Sohn Uhrenfabrick. The high precision watches and the excellence of the cases made the Furtwangler factory famous. In 1900, the company became a corporation L.Furtwangler Sohne AG. In 1918 the factory went through difficult times, it closed in 1929.
Garant Uhrenfabrik GmbH, Ludwigshafen
In 1862 in Berlin, the Gustav Bössenroth factory, later the company Blesch and Hettich KG was created between 1937 and 1960 in Ludwigshafen and later the two owners separated, giving rise to the companies Garant Uhrenfabrik GmbH (owner Kurt Blesch) in Sipplingen (since 1965 ) and Hugo Hettich Uhrenfabrik GmbH (owner Hugo Hettich) in Ludwigshafen from 1960 to 1984.
Geering & Wandpflug, Pforzheim
Heinrich Gelles, Essen
Loretto (1928)
Watch merchant.
Uhrenfabrik Adolf Gengenbach, Pforzheim
Mars (1928) – Mars star (1928)
Gerl & Schipper, Colonia
NSOW rombo (1930)
Watch merchant.
Regulatorfabrik Germania, Freiburg
RG Freiburg Schlesien Anchor (1897) – Eagle Wheel RG Anchor (1896)
Germania was founded in October 1871 and operated independently until July 1899 when it merged with G.Becker and others.
Adolph Gerstenkorn, Hamburg
Adolph Gerstenkorn Hamburg reno (1924)
Import and export of watches.
Max Gessner, Frankfurt
MGF corazon (1907)
Pocket watch cases.
Karl Geutsch, Leipzig
KGL ovalo (1934)
Pocket watch cases.
Jakob Giljum, Hassloch
GJ inside gear wheel
Glaser & Stübing, Hanau
G star.
Uhrenrohwerkefabrik Glashütte, Glashütte
Adolf Glauner, Pforzheim
GW (1950)
Manufacturer of watch bracelets Glauner & Epp.
Uhrenfabrik Gordian Hettich Sohn, Fortwagen
GHS (1836) – GHSF hombre (1902) – GHSF fig leaf (1902)
Make all kinds of watches.
Götting(Gotting) & Leuthold, Leipzig
Watches wholesaler.
Grau & Hampel, Schwabisch
Karl Griesbaum, Triberg
KG original bird mountain Karl Griesbaum
Grosjean Freres Nachf, Berlín
GFN inside oval
Merchant Pocket watches.
Richard Grumbach, Pforzheim
Million pocket watch (1895)
Pocket watches.
Emil Gudemann, Colonia
EG (1925)
Watch merchant.
Guetenbacher Uhrenfabrik, Gütenbach
Gufa (1960) – Guetenbacher 52 Uhrenfabrik (1960) – Juba W1 Germany (1970)
Charles Herbert-Schatz, Manufactures anniversary clocks and cuckoo clocks, later became Jahresuhrenfabrik (Agusto Schatz & Sons in Triberg).
Phillippe Haas & Sohn, St. Georgen
PHS rabbit hare (1870) – PH&S (1870)
Founded in 1867. They made cuckoo clocks and 400 days. hill in 1920
Karl Habmann, Pforzheim
Kaha (1934) – Habmann (1923)
Gustav Hagenlocher KG, Pforzheim
GH anchor – Geha
CE Hahn & Co., Berlin
Faucet and boxes.
Theodor Hahn, Stuttgart
Gallo (1868) – TH (1868)
Watchmaker, later sold to Anton Meller
Ludwik Hainz, Berlin
Hainz L. Hainz Established 1836
Erste Uhren Produktionsgenossenschaft Halle, Halle
Corona UPG
Erste Uhren-Produktionsgenossenschaft, first watch cooperative in Halle, in 1947. The logo is by Gustav Becker. Table clocks, wall clocks. in the GDR
Thomas Haller, Schwenningen
TH Eingetragene Fabrikmarke alas anchor (1860) – TH (1896)
This company was running between 1860 and 1900, then joined Junghans. Thomas Haller Ag
Thomas Ernst Haller, Schwenningen
Sol H – Haller – H&B rueda (1928) – Meta (1908) – Haller AG (1908)
The company was founded in 1902 and in 1928 merged with Kienzle. The last brand is from Haller & Benzing
Haller & Dorsch, Schwenningen
Haldo wheel (1920)
Hamburg Amerikanische Uhrenfabrik, Hamburg
Dos flechas en aspa (1928) – Lux lampara (1905) – HAU (1907) – HAC (1907) – HAU Trade Mark eagle crown (1886) – HAU (1886) – HAU rhombus and circle (1886)
Founded in 1883, merger with Junghans 1926. Tambien: HAC(en EU.) y HAU(en Germany).
Hansa (1930)
It is one of the Kienzle brands. I make Art Deco clocks.
Ernst Harter, Pforzheim
SH or HS (1934) and cases.
Emil Hasenfratz, Pforzheim
Philipp Hauck, Feldkirchen
Semester PH Uhr
Uhrenfabrik Heinrich Haupt, Berlin
H anchor (1894)
Uhrenfabrik Ludwig Haupt, Bettelbach
Haupt needles
Gebruder Hauser, Pfohren
Geha (1923) – Mercedes (1923)
Founded by Otto and Josef Hauser
Gustav Hausler, Hannover
Absolut shield blade (1908)
Sale of watches.
Isidor y Heinrich Heilbronner, Munich
JHM mujer Heilbronner (1890)
watch trade.
Alfred Heiliger, Dusseldorf
watch trade.
Helma Uhrenfabrik, Pforzheim
B&Co circle (1872). Also like Oskar Steinbiss KG y despues Burkhardt and Co.
J. Hengstler KG, Aldingen
IHA (1846) electricos.
Henzi & Pfaff, Pforzheim
HP escape wheel Hercules
Franz Hermle & Sohn GmbH & Co, Gosheim
FHS reloj Germany (1922) – H alas (1936)
German watch factory.
Carl Hermsen, Essen
Fabrik Marke CH or HC
Hubert Herr, Triberg
Hubert Herr Triberg – Original Black Forest Hubert Herr Cuckoo-Clock bird clock
They are Cuckoo Watch manufacturers since the mid-19th century, today they continue to manufacture these clocks, it is the fifth generation.
Carl Wilhelm Hertel & Co, Berlin
H escudo
Fritz Hess, Pforzheim
Pocket watch boxes.
Johann Georg Hinkel, Frankfurt
JGHEA DRPa DRGM colmena circulo (1928) – Hinkel (1928)
Watch merchant.
Uhrenfabrik Alfred Hirsch, Schwenningen
AHS (1947) – Lord (1948)
Manufacturer of electric clocks between 1947 to 1982
Phillip Hoerz, Ulm
Sol reloj (1862) de torre y eléctricos. Also like Manhardsche Thurm Uhernfabrik.
Maurer & Hofler, Eisenbach
AHE. Also like Albert Hofler
Emil Hofmann, Hamburg
EH ramas laurel – EH alas flecha
Spring manufacturer.
August Hohl, Pforzheim
AHO in oval (1930), parts and boxes for Pocket watches.
Wilhelm Horn, Berlin
Wilh Horn Glashütte (1872) – Internationale Telegraphen Bau-Anstalt Glashutte/Sachs Berlin (1872).
Hermann Horrmann, Leipzig
Ankra circle watch (1930)
Watch trade.
Andreas Huber, Munich
Huber Uhren watch (1922)
Franz Huber, Villingen
Winged lion shield FHV Marca Di Fabbrica – FHV rhombus – FH Horse head shield.
Adolf Hummel, Freiburg
Lucca – circulo DRSC 24826 AHF
Badenia regulator factory, with the Lucca brand
JA, Freiburg
JA Freiburg anchor crown
Joh. M. Jäckle, Schwenningen
Jmius cypress clock
Erhart Jackle & Co, Schwenningen
star JCO
Wall clocks, 1922
Georg Jacob GmbH, Leipzig
GJ (1927)
Watch and movement manufacturer, trade in watchmaking parts and tools.
Gebruder Jauch, Schwenningen
Manufacturer of tall case or grandfather clocks
Jauch & Schmid, Schwenningen
Jundes (1922) – Ancora (1922) – Novochron (1930) electricos. Company founded in 1912 by Heinrich Schmid and Ernst Jauch
Wilhelm Jerger, Niedereschach
J. inside square inside circle (1866)
Founded in 1866 by Wilhelm Jerger(1845 – 1921) and was active for 34 years before merging with Uhrenfabrik Villingen.
Junghans Uhren GmbH, Schramberg
Astra en Pocket watches (1926) – J star ocho puntas (1920) – Mariposa (1925) – Erhard Junghans rueda desde 1861 (1925)
In April 1861 Erhard Junghans founded the company Junghans und Tobler together with Jakob Zeller Tobler. They made all kinds of watches. Working today.
Samuel Kamerer, Furtwangen
Manufacturer of movements for cuckoo clocks, around 1861. Andrew Kamerer & Felix Kuss founded Camerer, Kuss & Co around 1788 in London.
Max Kamm, Aachen
Zuverlassig Cruz orla
Watch merchant
Kappel & Co., Freiburg
K&Co or K&C Freiburg i Schles shield wheel (1882).
Kasper & Co, Pforzheim
Kasper arlequin (1911)
Wristwatches, Movements and cases.
Gebrüder Kempkens, Krefeld
Kern Sohne
KS dentro de circulo Germany
Karl Kern and his sons formed the Kern & Sohne company in 1937. The company manufactured 400-day or anniversary watches until 1985.
Emil Kiefer, Pforzheim
Kiefer (1928).
Heinrich Kielmann, Ruhrort
Deutsches Reichs Patent
Register different patents for watch machinery between 1890 y 1895.
Kieninger, Aldingen
Founded in 1912 in the southern German Black Forest by Joseph Kieninger. It is the oldest manufacturer of striking mechanisms. Since 1917 the company has been located in Aldingen. In 1989 it was acquired by the Howard Miller Group (USA), the largest manufacturer of long-case watches in the world. All kinds of striking works, including those in Westminster.
Johann Obergfell, St.Georgen
KO within a circle (1899) – Kundo Kieninger und Obergfell
In 1899 Johann Obergfell began manufacturing clock parts in St.Georgen. He was the inventor of the rod for the chime unit and worked on mass production. In 1918 J.G. Kieninger joins the company, one of his specialties is enameling dials. This is the founding year of the company Kieninger und Obergfell also called Kundo. In 1923 Kundo also manufactured complete clocks, specializing in 400-day clocks, with a rotating pendulum. In 1926 J.G. Kieninger retires, his son joins the company and he has owned the company completely since 1942. In 1945 the factory was dismantled after the Second World War.
Kindervatter & Schwerzel, Franfurt
circle ax.
Th. Knoll & Co., Freiburg in Baden
Eingetragene Schutzmarke spruce oval (1896) – Cuckoo clock (1896) by cuckoo.
Ernst Kobold Uhrenfabrik, Hornberg
Inverted Triangle Man (1921).
Koch & Co., Elberfeld
Triumph elefante (1892)
Clockwork machinery.
Karl Kohler, Neustadt
KKN inside a heart
The company was founded in 1890 and existed until 1908, it manufactures electric watches.
Christian Kohler, Finsterwalde
CK reloj Kohler Die Qualitatsmarke
Founded in 1896. Patentes Kohler-Bauer
Köhler & Ehmann GmbH, Laufamholz
UK (1934) – Bavaria (1920).
Moritz Kohn, Berlin
K Unicum star (1899) – MK (1899).
Kollmar & Jourdan AG, Pforzheim
KJ flecha (1924)
Bracelets, chains and cases for watches.
Albrecht Koltzsch, Dresden-Gruna y Seidnitz
Saxonia mujer con espada (1899)
Fundada en 1899, Pocket watches
star Komet
Kraft-Behrens, Leipzig
B inside a flag
Founded in 1891 by Adolf Behrens Kraft in Leipzig.
J. Kratzner, Hanau
JK inside oval
Pocket watches. 1889
Walter Kraus, Pforzheim
Weka (1951)
Krefelder Metallwarenfabrik, Krefeld
Ges Gesch Imperial Zinn B&G corona (1901)
Theodor Kresler, Berlin
TKHA circle anchor (1899) – PVP steering wheel hammer screwdriver (1899)
Pocket watches. Owner Hugo Asseburg. It seems that they are merchants. The PVP brand is by Paul Vuille Perret
Theodor Kromer, Freiburg
K flechas (1868).
Gebruder Kuttroff, Pforzheim
GK star y medialuna (1934) – $ simbolo dolar (1934) – GK (1934)
Pocket watch cases.
Lacher & Co, Pforzheim
Laco (1924) – Duromat (1957) – Duro-Sport (1954) – Electromat (1954) – Laco Electric – Laco Sport – Laconi (1952) – Lacher – Ladura (1952) – Planomat (1951)
The watch box factory, founded in 1924 by the Swiss Frieda Lacher and Ludwig Hummel, sold watches with Swiss machinery in their own boxes. At the beginning of the 1930s, the founders separated, after which Ludwig Hummel changed the company name to LacoUhrenfaDrik and Frieda Lacher founded her own business, the Erich Lacher watch factory. Also like Laco Uhrenfabrik and Deutsche Uhrenrohwerke L.Hummel & Co (Durowe).
Schwarzwälder Lampenuhrenfabrik GmbH, Baden
Globura Schutzmarke globe clock (1927)
Uhrenfabrik Landauer & Co, Villingen
Landauer escape wheel anchor (1925) – Landauer Villingen B (1925)
Lange & Sohne, Glashütte
GUB – OLIW (1921) – Glashutte Lange & Sohne – G Glashutte (1951)
Founded in 1845 by Ferdinand Adolph Lange, during the Soviet occupation, GDR, it was renamed VEB Glashütte Uhrenbetriebe, with the brands Automat, Spezimatic, Spezichron and Spezimat. After reunification in 1990 it was renamed Glashütte Uhrenbetrieb GmbH and was the unifier of all Glashütte watch companies.
Ludwig Lange GmbH, Essen
LGE sello (1929) – Der Bund (1935) – Circle with four corners (1935), Pocket watches and chronometers.
Georg Lankenau, Hannover
Gela die zuverlassige Uhr (1929)
Lauer & Kuhn, Villingen
L&K cometa
Uhrenfabrik Ernst Lauffer GmbH, Schwenningen
ELUS (1919)
High case watch maker in Schwenningen, about 1919
Uhrenfabrik Karl Lauffer GmbH, Schwenningen
LAUFFER (1929)
Table clock manufacturer in Schwenningen, about 1929
Lenzkirch AG, Lenzkirch
ALG – Lenzkirch AGU – GFU
In 1926 it merged with Gebruder Junghans..
Arthur Lesser, Berlin
Gallo con Alarm clock (1915) – Artle Allerweltsuhr (1921) – Tango (1913)
Alarm clock.
Leuthold & Co, Schwenningen
L&Co bear square clock (1921)
Link & Co, Schwenningen
Linco reloj (1929). Also like Kern & Link GmbH.
Ludwig Loske, Berlin
3 three stars border (1904) – 333 three stars border (1894) – Fabrik Marke Apollo bust (1890), parts and boxes.
Robert Luckhoff & Sohn, Elberfeld
Rhenania – Victoria REL hammers
Watch trade.
Hans Maidle, Erlangen
HME escape wheel (1921)
Pocket watches.
Gebruder Maier, Villingen
GM or MG Trade Mark sphinx (1887) of all kinds.
Alfons Maischofer, Liebenzel
Schutz Marke men’s hat
Pocket watches.
Markenuhr GmbH, Halle-Colonia
Eagle head arrow (1925) – Z rhombus (1930) – Eagle head circle arrow (1928) – Eagle (1930)
Watch trade
Raimund Marschner, Dresden
Ramar (1922)
Julius Marx, Frankfurt
Juma (1922)
Pocket watches and bracelet
Theodor Marx, Witten
MWR – star
Konrad Mauch, Schwenningen
Konrad Mauch Schwenningen Germany (1921) – Koma watch (1921)
The factory was founded in 1921, mainly manufacturing anniversary or 400-day watches. hill in 1958.
Rupert Maurer, Eisenbach
R Maurer Eisenbach
He founded his business in Eisenbach in 1845, where he died in 1885. Most of the watches were exported to England, Russia and Spain. Precision pendulum clocks are known, with a central seconds hand and up to four secondary dials, showing the time of other European cities. He also made precision nautical instruments.
Uhrenfabrik Villingen Maurer- Pfaff & Maier, Villingen
Three stars
Founded in 1895 as Gebruder Maier, later renamed Uhrenfabrik Villingen AG in 1899 and closed in 1914, with a factory in Niedereschach which later became Peter-Uhren GmbH, also known as Uhrenfabriken Niedereschach-Rottweil .
Grebuder Maurer, Kreuznach
Oswald Maurer, Eisenbach
Marca de Fabric ave (1885)
Friedrich Mauthe, Schwenningen
Aguila FMS (1925) – Tosca Elite – F Mauthe Germany – anchor (1895) – Trade mark M cuadrado (1888)
I make watches. Also in Lochau and Bregenz, Austria.
Alois Mayer GmbH, Schonenbach
AMS (1860) – M (1860)
Manufacturer of clocks and music boxes from 1841.
Mayer made germany oval
Max Mayer, Berlin
Anton Mayer, St. Georgen
Carl Mazeck, Hannover
CM rook horse.
Carl Meisenzahl and Co., Darmstadt
CM&C bird balloon wings shield D (1835)
Founded in 1835. It seems to be a wholesaler of watches of all kinds, putting their mark on them.
Theodor Meisenzahl, Maguncia
Suum Cuique TM Schutz Marke flechas (1890)
Watch merchant.
Merzwerke Frankfurt, Frankfurt
Merz Werke MW Frankfurt aM R .
Meyer & Daub, Maguncia
M&D inside a rhombus (1887)
Watch makers and dealers.
Edwin Mieg, Schwenningen
Mieg globe circle
Watch merchant
Uhrenfabrik Minerva, Freiburg
MBR Freiburg i. Schl.
Max Moller, Hamburg
M watch (1905)
Hermann Moosmann, Magdeburg
Moosmann iglesia watch
Pocket watches.
J. Morat & Söhne, Eisenbach
Franz Mosgau, Berlin
Gustav Mössner(Mossner), Pforzheim
GM or MG and jewelry.
Uhrenfabrik Mühlheim Muller & Co, Muhlheim
Leon UM (1926) – Flor RSM – Leon UM triangulo (1910)
Fundada en 1900, it closed in 1959. Before it was called Reinhold Schnekenbuger Mühlheim, from there are the initials of RSM. Also like Wilhelm Müller & Co.
G.A. Müller, Pforzheim
gamma greek letter gamma (1910)
Josef Muller, Munich
wings wheel (1938)
Watch merchant.
Guido Muller, Eppendorf
Fabrik Feiner Holzwaren eagle circle
Watch boxes
Jakob Muller, Schwenningen
JM firs (1891) and sliders
Muller & Schlenker, Schwenningen
MSS inside a wheel (1890) – Emes (1938) – MS clock (1938)
Clock factory since 1879
Paul Firchow Nachfolger, Berlin
Hexagonal NFP (1928) electric.
Anton Neef, Coblenza
ANC (1920)
Anton Neininger, Villingen
Anvil made in baden anvil (1930)
Ernst Nippel, Cottbus
EC corona anchor (1892) – EN (1892).
Nomos Uhr Gesellschaf, Glashütte
In 1906 Clemens Guido Müller founded it in Glashütte. They imported watches from Swiss, from Rhetia Watch Co, and sold them under the Glashütte brand. Good marketing makes Nomos successful quickly. In 1910 they sued it and it had to close.
American Eletrical Novelty Manufacturing Co, Berlin
Chronos – Ever Ready Chronos Uhr ER electrical and parts.
Johann Josef Ott & Co., Mainz
JJO&C flores (1886)
Pocket watches
Paarmann y Cohn, Berlín
PC oso
Watch manufacturers, the company closed in 1892.
Pallas Deutsche, Pforzheim
Jakob Palmtag Uhrenfabrik, Schwenningen
JPS triangular arvol wheel (1913) electric
Bernard Paschen GmbH, Hagen
BP and a clock hand in the middle surrounded by a shield (1909) – Harmonie (1909) – Nora (1909)
The company was founded in 1876, started as a wholesaler, making its own clocks in 1908. Also like Willi Paschen and Fabrik elektrischer Uhren.
Gebruder Petersen, Schwenningen
Sol GP – Sol Gebruder Petersen
Watch manufacturers. 1929. They opened a company in London in 1933
Gebruder Petersfedt, Berlin
Crossed hammers.
Otto Pfaff, Pforzheim
Fr. Pfalzer & Söhne, Stuttgart
FP shield
Richard Pfisterer, Pforzheim
RP rhombus
Manufacturer of cases Wristwatches 1965
Pforzheimer Uhrenrohwerke GmbH, Pforzheim
Porta (1932) – PUW (1932)
Rudolf Wehner founded it in 1932, manufacturing mechanical and electromechanical Wristwatches. In 1990 it was bought by SMH Swiss (today SWATCH). Also like Porta GmbH & Co
Heinrich Prestinari, Pforzheim
Martillo shield – P campana
F.W. Quist, Esslingen
FW QE cetro oval.
Paul Raff, Pforzheim
Para (1929) and parts.
Gustav Rau, Pforzheim
Bisonte – GR – Schutz Marke bison marque de fabrique deposee (1908)
Manufacturer of Pocket watches cases, 1923.
August Reger, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Georg Reichel, Glashütte
His father, Karl Friedrich Reichel, began manufacturing watches in 1890, later he continued with the company, and in 1974 the company was nationalized and renamed VEB Zeitmeßgeräte Glashütte
Wilhelm Renz, Pforzheim
RW or WR circulo – Renz
Rhode, Hamburg
Corona (1897)
Richter & Glück, Berlin
Erich Ritschel, Berlin
Rothaut Schwarzross shield horse (1935)
Trader watches.
G. Rodenstock, Munich
GRM and instruments.
Rodi & Wienenberger, Pforzheim
RW anchor (1934)
Founded in 1934, it manufactured boxes for pocket watches and wristwatches.
Moritz Röhrig, Leipzig
Contra (1925) – Chic (1924) – HR (1924) – MR (1924) – JR (1924) y cajas.
Rombach & Haas, Schonach
hare rabbit circle (1927)
H. Ropohl, Colonia
HR llave (1897) – Treu dem Kaiser portrait of the kaiser (1876)
Pocket watches and movements.
Theodore Rose, Schwerin
Flor rosa (1912)
Michael Rosenhaft, Hamburg
Rosenhaft Patent star (1908).
Willibald Rudolf, Hamburg
W. Rudolf Steindamm watch (1922)
Rumminger GmbH & Co, Villingen
Urgos (1922) – watch (1923)
Manufacturer of wall and floor clocks. Also of precision components for the industry. The company was founded in 1920 as Rumminger GmbH & Co., founded by Christian Haller, Johannes Jauch, Robert Papst and Heinrich Rumminger. In 1923 the partners changed the name of the company to Urgos Uhrenfabrik. Manufacture of westminster chimes and other melodies. In 1992 it closed.
Ruttmann & Klein, Kempten
R&KK Schutz Marke aguila (1880)
Travel alarm clocks, regulators, clocks
L & S Salmony, Franfurt
Watch merchant.
F.W. Sander, Hannover
Efwesa (1925) – Sander (1925) – Sander-Uhren (1925)
Pocket watches. Also like Sander am Steintor
Paul Sandig, Liegnitz
HS or SH
Josef Sattler, Dortmund
Eingetragene Schutzmarke JSD mano martillo (1899)
Pocket watches.
Max Schädlich, Mainz
Liebe u. Glück im Haus heart arrow clover house (1914)
Watch trade.
Georg Schaler, Dresden
Scharke & Co, Berlin
KOH-I-NOOR Scharkefa (1910)
watch exporter
August Schatz & Sohne, Triburg
August Schatz – Elefantes reloj – JUF – Jahresuhrenfabrik (1921) – August Schatz & Sohne SCHM Germany (1923)
Founded in 1923 by August Schatz, as August Schatz & Sohne manufacturer of 400 and 1000 day anniversary watches.
Schatzle & Tschudin, Pforzheim
Favor (1909) – Favor arbol circulo (1909)
Pocket watches, movements, 1909. His watches were mounted in a Gustav Rau case, with the bison mark.
Hugo Schepperheyn & Co, Schwenningen
Exact Schutz-Mark (1924) – HS Schutz-Marke escape wheel (1921).
M. Schepperheyn & Co, Pforzheim
EXACT rombo
Fabricante de Pocket watches en 1924. There’s a Hugo Schepperheyn in Schwenningen, it seems they’re related.
J.Schlencker Grusen Uhrenfabrik, Villingen
DRP Isgus inside oval (1918) – escape wheel and lever (1918) – JSG circle (1917) – escape wheel and lever Schutz Marke (1899)
Founded in 1888, Jacob Schlenker Grusen began as a supplier of watch springs. The company later made watch movements. The company was still in business in 1962.
Schlenker y Kienzle, Schwenningen
Alas reloj made in germany (1923) – Aguila reloj (1899) – CU Co – Kienzle (1920) – Cabeza sombrero y alas (1898) – Alas reloj (1898) – Erika (1920) – K alas (1921) – Bicicleta (1917) – Hombre bicicleta (1917) – Peggy (1920) – Sphinx (1920) – Helka (1921) – M escape wheel (1933) – Staff Serpents Winged Wheel Star (1897)
Johannes Schlenker, 1883 Jakob Kienzle Watch manufacturers since 1822. Still in operation today, after passing through several owners. Also like Kienzle Uhrenfabrik.
Schlenker-Posner, Schwenningen
PS or SP pentagon (1928) and parts
Otto Schlund & Co, Schwenningen
Osco clock
Emil Schmeckenbecher, Schwenningen
S dentro rombo Schmeckenbecher (1950)
Watch manufacturer from 1948 to 1996
Schmid-Schlenker GmbH & Co.KG, Schwenningen
SSS Fabrik Marke
The company was founded in 1935 by the brothers Albert Schmid (technical) and Walter Schmid (sales) and began with the manufacture of Black Forest watches. Thanks to the development of their own painting and gilding techniques they began the production of the so-called Sumiswälder or Neuchâtel clocks. They were in Swiss, under the Du Chateau brand was cancelled. The main markets for this type of watches were Belgium, Austria and Germany.
Schmidt-Staub and Co., Pforzheim
Circle horse and jewelry.
Franz Schnurr, Pforzheim
Burger KG Josef Burger Sohne, Schonach
Regula flecha (1860) – Gb (1901) – GGB (1901)
Movement factory. Also like Joseph Burger & Sohne
Uhrenfabrik C.Schuler, Schwenningen
GLOBUS on top of a globe
Founded in 1952. I manufacture clocks and alarm clocks
Schuler & Kun, Pforzheim
SK oval
GA Schultze, Berlín
GAS double circle (1898) and instruments.
Schwabische Uhren AG-und Apparatefabrik, Sindelfingen
A inside triangle
1925?. Very little is known about the company, that is, if they were actually a factory or wholesaler.
Julius Seidel, Berlin
Iris (1912)
watch trade.
Mathias Seitz, Pforzheim
MS (1908) – Sepo reloj (1908) – Epora () – Hydro-Polyp (1956) – Sema (1955) – Sepora (1936) – Tasi (1935) and cases.
German Sickinger, Pforzheim
Sipa ovalo (1935) – Sickinger (1923).
Paul Siebert, Halle
Sieco (1960)
Eugen Siegele, Pforzheim
Eusi (1922)
Siegle & Gerwig, Pforzheim
Arista (1925) and cases.
Siemens & Halske AG, Berlin
SH (1847) – Esha (1912) of control. Also like Einheitszeit. Today is Siemens AG
Solch & Jackel, Friburgo
S&J 1946 inside oval – PKP wings wheel – Reform S&J Freiburg i Schl
It was the only watch factory in Freiburg capable of producing watches after World War II. The factory was renamed to Fryborska Fabryka Zegarów and later to Panstwowa Fabryka Zegarów.
A. Sölter & Co, Franfurt
ASC triangulo (1927)
Watch merchant.
Emil Speck Uhrenfabrik, Schwenningen
Emil Speck (1930) – ESU (1930) – Speck (1927) – Limes (1939) – Necara (1940)
Factory founded in 1920, electric watches.
Karl Stahl, Pforzheim
Christian Stahle, Schwenningen
barrel wings
Oswald Stärker, Pforzheim
BWC hexagonal (1913)
Pocket watches, boxes and parts. BWC stands for Badenia Watch Case.
Robert Steigl, Colonia
Steigl Uhren reloj campana (1938)
watch trade.
Emil Steininger, Munich
boy watch planet
L.Steinleitner & Schott, Wurzburg
Registered 1894. Pocket watches and parts.
Hermann Steinmeyer, Pforzheim
Badenia Watch Case (1911) – Elbero (1928) – SHF reloj (1929)
Pocket watches and boxes for these. Also like Fritz Steinmeyer.
Sigmund Stern & Co, Frankfurt
bouquet of flowers (1890) – star bird (1890)
Watch merchant.
A. Steudler & Co, Pforzheim
disgust wheel
Otto Stoll & Co, Pforzheim
Luna star
Watch merchant. 1890
Walter Storz, Pforzheim
Stowa (1939) – Flecha (1939)
Pocket watches, alarm clocks. Also like Uhrenfabrik Stowa GmbH
Heinrich Strauss, Nuremberg
HHSN inside oval
It seems that he was a merchant and sold watches from Mauthe.
Gustav Sturm, Leipzig
S torre (1910)
Pocket watches.
Uhrenfabrik Suevia GmbH, Sindelfingen
Suevia (1938) – Goldanker anchor made in west germany (1938) – Nontp (1937)
Founded by Herbert Tilvich in 1920. He made different types of watches with different brands, the best known being Goldanker. I also make electric clocks
Tellus Uhr Gemeinschaft Deutscher Uhrmacher, Frankfurt Main
Tellus (1927)
It was founded in 1928 and closed in 1939, it was the German subsidiary of the Swiss Cortebert company. The exclusive distributor for Germany was Wilhelm Ulrich in Frankfurt Main.
Gebrüder Thiel, Ruhla
GT or TG circulo (1905) – Vineta (1936) – anchors (1907) – UMF Ruhla (1950) – GT or TG reloj (1924) – Thiel ovalo (1920) – Thiel ancora (1921)
It was founded by brothers Christian and George Thiel. After the Second World War, in the GDR it was renamed VEB Ruhla.
Paul Tietsch, Berlin
Karl Trabandt, Pforzheim
FT Trabandt reloj de bolsillo (1937) – FT Stabil (1937)
Wrist and pocket watch. Also like Fischer & Trabandt
Karl Uebelhör, Pforzheim
UCA oval (1950)
dial factory
Union Clock Co, Furtwangen.
UC Co – UCC (1894) – Union Clock Company (1894)
Founded by watch case maker August Weisser. Recorded in 1882 by Rudolf Fehrenbach at Villing and Fehrenbach. In 1883 Fehrenbach left the company. His place was taken by Felix Trenkle. In 1885 the entire factory was purchased by the Merzbach Company of London, England. The name was changed to the Union Clock Co. and relocated to Donaueschingen. In 1908 he settled again in Strasbourg (France). In 1910 the company went bankrupt and was auctioned off. All machinery was purchased by Johann Jakle from Schwenningen. The company was dissolved between the years 1921-1924.
Regulator Uhrenfabrik Urania, Freiburg
Urania (1895) – RUF Urania Freiburg Schl sun oval (1895)
Watches. It was bought by Sölch and Jäckel in 1912.
Victoria Clock Co, St. Georgen
AM (1903) – VCC trebol (1903). Also like Anton Maier
Victoria Uhrenfabrik Schlesien, Friburgo en Silesia
Victoria KK Privilegium 5194 eagle crown scepter orb watch (1887)
It appears that they made watch cases and mechanisms patented by Robert Türk and Anton Zadra of Zurich. But they were supplied by Carl Werner.
Uhrenfabrik Villingen J. Kaiser GmbH, Villingen
Kaiser (1936) – Minuta (1925) – JK square circle (1927)
In 1945 the factory was closed and reopened from 1948 to 1973. His sons Oskar and Franz took over management. They made all kinds of alarm clocks, they also made the Kaiser Universo and El Mundo 400 day model around 1954 to 1962.
Schwarzwälder Uhrenfabrik Villingen / Uhrenwerk Schwarzwald GmbH, Villingen
UWS within circles and a cypress
Watch merchant of all kinds, 1935.
National Uhrenwerk Villingen, Villingen
F triangle wheel (1928) standing. Also like Feld & Hepting.
Stefan Voegele, Pforzheim
STV (1934)
Franz Vosseler, Schwenningen
FVS watch face (1910) – FR Vosseler (1910)
There is little information about his company. Franz Vosseler worked at Uhrenfabrik Württembergische in Schwenningen. It is documented in the years 1905, 1910 and 1925, with headquarters at Kornbindstraße 3. I make watches of all kinds
Weber & Aeschbach, Pforzheim
Arctos star oval (1934). Also like Phillip Weber
John Wehrle & Söhne, Schonwald
H&W abetos – AGFA – RHS
Manufacturer of alarm clocks, table clocks, wall clocks. Also called AGFA, Wehrle & Klager, Hilser & Wehrle and Uhrenfabrik Wehrle
R.Weisser, Triberg
Eagle on triangle and a circle inside
Cuckoo clock factory in Triberg. Founded in 1881, it still works today
Carl Werner Uhrenfabrik, Villingen
CW or WC herradura (1898) – Herradura star (1898) – Fabrikmarke CW or WC (1898) – Werner Deponirt media luna sol (1870) – Victoria KK Privilegium 5194 eagle crown watch scepter orb (1905)
Founded in 1861 by Carl Werner. His main contribution is the design and construction of a taximeter for horse-drawn carriages and later for cars. The Werner deponirt brand is believed to be a manufacture and patent in Austria. In 1913, the company became the property of Kienzle.
Otto Wiemer, Pforzheim
W Otimeo (1950)
Wild & Sperrhake, Düsseldorf
M&S flag watch (1922)
Watch trade. Also like Martin Sperrake
Gebrüder Wilde, Villingen
Aguila con GW
Aproximadamente 1900 en Villingen, Germany. It seems that I assemble machinery with a patent from Schlenker & Kienzle.
A. Willmann & Co, Freiburg
Eagle with watch (1894) – Watch crown (1894)- Leon with watch (1894) – AW&Co crown (1894) – Nom Plus Ultra (1894) – Leon looking straight ahead (1894)
Manufacturer of regulator type watches.
Robert Winter, Schwbisch
RW anchor (1904)
Founded in 1904, it manufactured boxes for pocket watches.
Winterhalder y Hofmeier Uhrenfabrik, Neustadt
W&H SCH (1927)
Nickolaus Winterhalder creates a small watchmaking workshop. Thomas Winterhalder established the factory in Friedenweiler. Anton Hofmeier joined them and with shops between Neustadt and Schwarzenbach that produced watches of the highest quality.
Hausuhrenfabrik Winterhalder KG, Neustadt
Hawina (1925) – HWN (1925)
The company was founded by Hans Winterhalder and in 1925 it changed its name to Hans Winterhalder AG.
Wintermantel Uhrenfabrik, Triberg
W Wintermantel media escape wheel
The company was founded in 1924 by watchmaker Albert Wintermantel. The company name appears to have been Wintermantel Uhrenfabrik when it was founded, later changing to Gebrüder Wintermantel when Albert handed the business over to his sons Eugen and Otto in 1949. It makes 400 day or anniversary watches. The company closed down during World War II, and after the war they produced miniature Black Forest clocks.
Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik WMF, Geislingen an der Steige
WMF (1880)
P. Wolff & Co, Hamburg
PWC star flor venus
watch parts manufacturer. 1898
Max Wössner, Schwenningen
SMW circle
Bernhard Zachariä KG, Leizip
Omnia BZ hand rays (1808)
The company was founded by Christian Friedrich Zachariä in 1808, it is still running today.
Zentka, Berlin
escape wheel watch (1927)
Watch merchant. Also like Markenuhrverein
Reinhold Zeuner, Freiburg
K&Z Freiburg i. Schl campana (1932) – K&Z Freiburg i. Schl (1932) – RZ Freiburg i. Schl (1932). Also like Klose & Zeuner
See also  Breitling Pocket Watch

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