Home » Old Watch Brands » Swiss watch hallmarks H-K

Swiss watch hallmarks H-K

H. Bovet, Neuchâtel
Bovet stars (1888)

H. Gasser and Co., Biel
Hera (1908) – Erica (1902) – Preciosa (1927)
Factory of Movements, Cases and Watches. 1908. Also as a Fabrique de montres Preziosa SA

H. Nathan & Co, Ginebra
Fine Silver HN (1860?)
Case Manufacturer for Pocket watches.

H. Rosskopf & Co, Holstein
H. Rosskopf Horse dial deposes
Factory Pocket watches. 1907

H.Barbezat Bole, Le Locle
BB hammers (1895) – cross hammers (1901) – The Pharos (1902)
Movements, Cases and Pocket watches.

H.Grünberg and Co., Biel
They bring heads in a circle (1893)

Haas Neveux and Co., Ginebra
HNC free rabbit (1934)
Watches and jewelry.

Haecker, La Chaux-de-Fonds
AH (1897)
Small Watches & parts.

Hanni and Co., Court
HC or CH (1900)
Small watches, movements and parts. The Russbach-Hanni successors and Co., 1921.

Hannoversche Hausuhrenfabrik, Granges
G watch pendulum
Later it was called Wilhelm Glüsen

Hans Ingold & Schüpfer, La Chaux-de-Fonds
JS inside sheet (1887)
Movements and cases Pocket watches.

Havila Watch Co, Ginebra
Havila Watch Co
Watch factory 1884

Hegerle-Sulzer & Co., Zurich
Captain’S Watch (1910)
Small Watches & parts.

Henchoz Freres, Le Locle
The Ascot (1891) – The Winner (1890) – Anti-electrique Lamfor Non-magnetique (1892) – HF wheel (1889) – Le Tattersall Chronographe saddle and latigo (1900)
Pocket watches, Movements, parts, Cases and small pendulums.

Henri Boitel, Cormondreche
SM stars (1887)
Movements and cases

Henri Codonet, Biel
HC tick deposes flag bird (1887)
Movements and cases Pocket watches.

Henri Favre, Zurich
Prima oval (1934)
Watches & parts.

Henri Grobéty & Fils, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Dial Grobt inside wheel (1903)
Pocket watch movements manufacture

Henri Guyot & Fils, Biel
HG horseshoe (1888)
Movements and cases of Watches.

Henri Levy, Biel
Temple (1893)
Pocket Watches, Cases, Movements, dials and parts.

Henri Müller & Fils SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Dulfi (1951)
Watches. Founded 1924

Henri Picard & Freres, La Chaux-de-Fonds
WSA o SAW (1927) – Leon montaña (1931) – Corey lion trade mark (1935) – Picavic (1935) – Progress Trade Mark (1888) – Hipic (1915) – Saint Bride (1936) – P spades circle (1894)
Watches & parts.

Henri Rober & Fils, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Arado (1882)
Pocket watches

Henry Grandjean and Co., Ginebra
Henry Grandjean cross stars Geneve (1912) – Hri Grandjean and Co. au Locle Suisse Fabrique de montres de luxe Chronometres de marine et de poch (1881) – Giro (1923)
Watches and pieces. His successor was Paul Cattin who registered this trademark in 1926.

Henry Moser and Co., Le Locle
HM&Co shield (1882) – Esculape (1827) – Lovary (1951) – Saltofix (1951) – Hy Moser and Co. (1982) – Hy Moser (1954)
He made Movements and Pocket watch cases. He moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, where he sold Watches to royalty, the factory was confiscated in 1917, in 1990 the brand was collected and is in force. Also as a Lovary Watch.

Hermann Leppert & Co, Tramelan
Gloriosa (1905) – Conform Deposee (1903) – Conform
Watches & parts.

Hermann Oswald & Co, Granges
O and Co. Freiburg Schlesien aguila
Watches. Also as a Oswald & Co. OHG

Heuer-Lambelet and Co., Biel
Lion trade mark land sun (1886) – Hl&Co (1881)
Cases and Movements for Watches

Hoeter and Co., La Chaux-de-Fonds
S torre (1910) – Tona (1930) – Tritona (1930)
Watches & parts.

Hoffman Watch Co., Biel
Hoffman – Shocresist (1924)
Movements, cases and dials of Pocket watches. With branch in New York

Holy Freres, St.-Imier
H (1908)
Pocket watch cases.

Horlogerie Neuchatel, Zurith
M Mondaine watch (1954)
Watches and parts

Hormann and Co., Neuchatel
C star and double circle (1880) – Cigueña (1880) – Teutonia (1890) – Golondrina (1892) – Flor (1895)
Small Watches & parts.

Houriet Gindrat, Tramelan
Tremolat flowers shield (1903)
Watches, Movements, diales, Cases and parts.

HS flag wheel

Huguenin & Delachaux, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Flor (1903)
Watch cases.

Huguenin & Jaquet, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Theoretical circle (1914)
Watch Parts.

Huguenin & Rudolf, Selzach
sapho oars (1895)
Small Watches & parts.

Huguenin Freres, Le Locle
Niel HF (1904)
Pocket watch case manufacturer. Also as a Huguenin Freres & Co. and Fabrique Niel

Humbert and Co., Soleure
Anchor oars (1887) – HU (1887)
Movements and cases for Pocket watches.

Humbert Ramuz and Co., La Chaux-de-Fonds
Humbert Ramuz circle cross (1926)
Cases, Movements, diales and little Watches. Subsequently changed to Charles Humbert & Fils.

Husson & Retor, Ginebra
H&RG cross inside star (1880)
Movements of Pocket watches.

International Watch Co, Schaffhausen
Probus IWC Scafusia circle shield (1903) – IW Co standing dog (1890) – JWC oval (1905) – International Watch (1907) – Army & Navy (1907) -Alma Mater (1987) – Aquatimer (1987?) – Ingenieur (1955) – Intermatic (1954) – Yacht Club (1986) – Scafusia (1954)
Watches. Founded in 1886 by Florentine Ariosto Jones, in 1880. Also as a H.E. Homberger and Ernst Homberger-Rauschenbac. Today it belongs to the Richemont group

Isely & Furer, Le Locle
K. Arabian KA horseshoe (1901) – KA star

Isely-Girard, Le Locle
IG Belenus Registered stars orla (1901) – Eski Chirket D Registered stars (1909)
Pocket watches, pieces. 1901

J&CB, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Pocket watches.

J. Barth & Fils, Ginebra
Torre Eiffel brand of manufacture depossessed (1889)
Watch and movement manufacturer.

J. Bastard & Redard, Ginebra
JBR Geneve circle ornaments (1893)
Pendulum watches.

J. Bernard-Bonsack, La Chaux-de-Fonds
JBB -Sursum Corda (1901) – ABk (1895)
Pocket watch parts. 1891

J. Bobillier-Besson, Biel
JBB tren tunel (1888)
Movements and cases for Pocket watches.

J. Bonnet, Biel
Liban (1903)
Movements, Dials and Pocket watch cases.

J. Breguet-Breting Fils, Biel
shield Breguet star fish watch case (1910) – JBB (1925) – LB lion head (1925)
Pocket watches and Cases manufacturers 1910

J. Dudelczik and Co., Basilea
JB (1944) – JDB (1944)

J. Siegrist and Co., La Chaux-de-Fonds
Ancla JS&Co – J. Siegrist & Co ancla (1894)
Movements, cases and dials factory. 1894

J. Voirol, Biel
Ocean (1895)
Movements and cases for Pocket watches. Also as a Voirol Freres

J. Wyss Fils, La Chaux-de-Fonds
J. Wyss Fils MD Chaux de Fonds palette with brushes (1888) – ISHA (1923)
Manufacturer of Watches and pieces.

J.A. Gindrat Vuille, Tramelan
JAGV shield with weapons (1887)
Movements and cases for Pocket watches

J.A.Froidevaux, Biel
JAF Horse (1887)
Cases in gold, silver and jewels for Pocket watches.

J.B. Bourquard, Soleure
Wengistein (1895) – Liga (1919) – Ligasa (1927)
Movement maker. Also as a Fabriques d’horlogerie Liga SA

J.Grosclaude and Co., Fleurier
Aguila and serpiente (1890) – Esmeralda JGC stars (1890)
Movements, cases and dials for Pocket watches.

J.Roth and Co., Solothurn
Pocket watch manufacturer, 1890

Jacot Freres, Le Locle and Ginebra
Tunnel GAJ (1889)
Pocket watch manufacturer.

Jaeger-LeCoultre, Le Sentier
Jaeger-LeCoultre (1943) – Atmos – Geographique (1990) – Le Risoud Depose dos abetos (1901)
Edmond Jaeger and Antoine LeCoultre 1833. Manufacturers of different types of Watches including the Atmos

James Favre-Fallet, St.-Imier
Helice (1889)
Movements and cases Pocket watches.

James Jaquet, St-Imier
JSJ (1891)
Watches and instruments.

James Richard, La Chaux-de-Fonds
EM arabic characters border
Pocket Watches & parts. 1899

Jean Balmer-Nicolet, St. Imier
Marque de Fabrique J. Balmer-Nicolet sol (1880)
Manufacturer of Watches 1880, the company went bankrupt in 1883.

Jean Dérobert, Ginebra
GBMM (1928) – Brevete 355 oval horn cross (1889)
Pocket watch cases manufacturer. 1934

Jean Derobet, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Brevete 355 oval horn cross (1889)
Cases for Pocket watches. Refers to the gold plating patent.

Jean Hess, St.Imier
Palette and brushes (1887)
Movements and Pocket watch cases.

Jean-Jacques Badollet & Co, Ginebra
BCo bay leaves (1887) – Lion shield (1880) – Leman (1886)
Pocket watch manufacturer, Movements and cases, 1907. The seal of the lion is also shared by Meylan. Also as a Geneva Watch Co. and Colomb & Balmer

Jeanneret and Co., La Chaux-de-Fonds
La Vigie ship (1895)
Movements, Dials and Cases.

JH.Hasler, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Stika (1912) – Practique JHH (1895)
Watches & parts.

John Gabus Guinand, Biel
GG Brenets (1895)
Pocket watches and diales.

Joseph Bloch, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Linda – Enzo (1902)
Watches and dials.

Joseph Faivre Fils, Biel
JFF salamandra (1887)
Cases for Watches.

Joseph Frossard, Porrentruy
The star of india star Sun in circle (1904) – Veritas (1902)
Pocket Watches & parts.

Joseph Rosse, Alle
crescent shield (1887)
Movements and cases.

Joseph Schwob-Weill, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Monopole shield Saturn stars (1885)
Movements and cases for Pocket watches.

Joseph Soldano, Ginebra
JS inside oval
JS inside rectangle. It was founded in 1828. They registered the name Vve. of J Soldano Fils in 1880 as a manufacturer of Watches, Chonographs and Carriage Watches, together with the JS brand. In 1881 they registered a mark over a chamois on a shield surmounted by a cross as manufacturers of parts for Watches, Chronometers and Carriage Watches.

Jules & Auguste Ducommun, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Precision trees giraffe (1890)
Pocket watches, Movements, Dials and Cases.

Jules Bonard, Ginebra
JB (1934)
Cases Pocket watches and jewelry.

Jules Bourquin & Cia, Porrentruy
BZ Marque de Fabrique Deposee (1888) – Marque de Fabrique Deposee JB (1881)
Movements of Watches.

Jules Calame-Robert, La Chaux-de-Fonds
JC (1884) – Ruskopf Lever (1887) – Volante (1888) – Vogel (1888) – Leon (1888) – JCR sol (1888) – Herculano arpa (1910) – Argentina sol (1889) – 40 flower in circle (1890) – Aguila (1910) – Ancla stars (1880)
Watches and Movements.

Jules Delevaux, Villeret
Arpa (1887)
Movements and cases.

Jules Fete, La Chaux-de-Fonds
JF globo Horse (1904)
Machines and tools for watchmaking

Jules Girard, Tramelan
Dorly (1927) – Dorly Watch (1942) – shield hand compass (1942)
Watches. Also as a Dorly Watch

Jules Grumbach, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Ibis (1899) – The Nizam moon stars circle (1900) – Neva (1926)
Pocket watches movements and parts.

Jules Isaac & Fils, Nyon
PMN fish (1907) – Perrelet & Martin PMN fish (1882)
Fornituras and herramientas. Also as a Fabrique de vis de Nyon and Perrelet and Martin

Jules Metthée, Porrentruy
Muguet Marque deposee flor (1898)
Watches & parts.

Jules Robert & Co, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Gravier (1885)
Watch Springs. Later he passed to Ulysse Sandoz Robert.

Jules Russbach, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Esercito e Armata (1900) – Julius Watch circle (1900)
The company was Fabrique Centrale and manufactured Pocket Watches & parts. Made them Roskopf type.

Jules Schweingruber, St-Imier
JS It has an anchor in the main pier (1912)
Watch Springs

Jules Theurillat, Porrentruy
Helvetia Viva (1891) – Helvetie cross star (1888) – Precise – Elsa angel alas (1900)
Movements, cases, dials. Also as a Theurillat Freres

Jules and Georges Perret, Eplatures
GPE (1904) – Norma (1922) – La Fiaz (1922)
Watches & parts. Later as Vve.Georges Perret Perrin.

Julien Bourquin, Saint-Imier
JB Brand of Manufacture Depossessed (1881)

Julien Gallet and Co., La Chaux-de-Fonds
Continental Timekeeper Trade Mark globo terraqueo casco con alas circulo – Union Square (1889) – Favorite (1884) – Commodore (1889) – Brigeport Watch (1886) – The Chief (1889) – Continental Watch Co (1882) – Interocean (1910) – Electa (1919) – Lady racine JG star (1888) – Casco (1889) – Railroad (1879) – Galco (1916) – Trade Mark (1891) – Gallet 1962() – Racine (1962) – Security (1893) – Select (1892)
Pocket watch manufacturer, Movements, cases and dials. Previously called Léon L. Gallet and later as L. Gallet & Co and Also as a Fabrique d’Horlogerie Electa.

Kanny & Co, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Soldier Watch 781 (1905)
Pocket watches and parts. Also as a Sincera Watch Co.

Kenel & Courvoisier, Porrentruy
Excelsa oval (1906)
Manufacturers of Pocket watches, dials and Cases.

Kessi Freres, Biel
Kb (1926)
Cases for Pocket watches.

Kilchenmann Freres, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Actina – Actina KF (1915)
Watches & parts.

Kocher & Froideveaux, La Chaux-de-Fonds
KF star ray cross (1926)
Dealer Watches, Parts and Pendulum Watches. Also as Albert Froidevaux.

Kocher and Co., Bevilard
Equator (1896) – K & Co (1895) – Heroine (1898) – La Fidele stars (1898) – Estimee stars (1898) – Satania devil trident lightning bolt (1908) – SGWC St. George’s Watch Co wheel (1916) – Equator 95810 eagle (1912)
Watches & parts. Also as a Renold Kocher, St. George’s Watch Co, Manufacture d’Horlogerie Bévilard.

Kuhn & Tieche, Reconvilier and Biel
Candado K&T
1885 they made Pocket watches and Movements.

Kurth Freres S.A, Granges
Grana (1898) – Fatime (1905) – KF (1929) – KFG (1910) – KF83 (1929) – KF star (1896) – Certina (1924) – Kurth (1975) – Kurth Freres (1975)
Movements, Dials and Cases for Watches. Also as a Certina Watch Co and Fabrique d’Horlogerie Grana.

See also  Military Watch Markings
Swiss A-D Swiss E-G Swiss L-Z

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