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Enicar travel alarm clock

Once upon a time i found a traveling alarm clock. Such watches mass produced in the years 1950-1970 various firms, so the model was very popular. Indeed, this is a fold-up travel alarm clock with little case (it measures 3 1/4″ square). The metal covered case is leather like, likely vynil or something like that. During transportation travel alarm clock folds up into a case, but in working order mechanism is fixed between the lids.

travel alarm clock by Enicar

Clock face has the Enicar script on the face at the upper half and “swiss made” in the lower half.

swiss alarm clock rare alarm clock Enicar

Travel alarm clock has white dial with luminous hands and dots at numbers for the greater convenience.

old alarm clock with luminous hands antique alarm
alarm watch from sixties rare alarm watch

Rings alarm on bell.

Enicar Watch Co. was created in 1854. Racine (Racine Watch Co.) spelled his name backwards and created a new brand. In the sixties and seventies Enicar developed automatic movements and focused on sport watches in addition to the rare vintage designs.

See also  Pocket watch collecting

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